No, it isn't bear proof until it's padlocked. "Interagency Grizzly Bear Committee certifies YETI Tundra and Roadie coolers as bear-resistant food containers when used with padlocks on both front corners"
The Dometic CF50 refrigerator I bought arrived today and while I'm waiting for the bag to arrive I'm trying to figure out some ways to make it better. I wonder if anyone has ideas for tie downs. It would be nice if there was something like the ARB tie down that spanned the entire handle but...
When I was in Africa I left a pen in a shirt pocket that went through the wash. A few shirts were ruined, but the next time I washed my Tilley shirt, the ink stains came right out.
I bought a pair of Thula Thula Minimalist half boots from their sales sheet. Before I bought them, I called and told them about my foot and what size New Balance shoe I wore, they told me what size I needed and luckily they had one already made. When I got the shoe, it was almost the most...
I am pretty sure that the Montana can be used with gloves. I had mine on my motorcycle and could access the different functions while I was riding.
8 1/2 EEEE. Minimulist Thula Thula. I got them for my upcoming trip to Africa. I also figure that since the Sonoran desert seems a lot like Southern Africa, they would be good for hiking around here too. The only problem with them seems to be that the heel was too large, but after a few days...
I got a pair of these yesterday. They were in their sale PDF and were a pair that was ordered but not picked up for whatever reason. At first they weren't that comfortable and I was hesitant to wear them out of the house. Then I wore them down to the park and walked around in them for about...
A few years ago I picked up a parka at Ross. It was something like $50. I can't remember what brand it is because I live in Tucson, AZ and don't have much call to wear a parka, but it was a good name brand. When we were going up to Flagstaff over the winter, it kept me nice and toasty.
I have the Garmin Montana and like it a lot. Yes, it is expensive but it is very nice. I have a RAM mount for my motorcycle and the locking Garmin AMPS cradle. I recently got another AMPS cradle and a mount for my Jeep so I can move the GPS from vehicle to vehicle. I didn't bother with the...
Get a Garmin Montana and a Garmin AMPS Rugged Mount. It locks the GPS in place and prevents the casual thief. This is what I have on my motorcycle, and when I get around to it, I'm going to put one in my YJ.
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