Search results

  1. J

    Grand Wagoneer ?

    Chris... If you post some pics maybe it will help sway him and We (ok, me. heehee) can get our needed FSJ porn. :)
  2. J

    The Grey

    Dude! I just woke up and saw this and..... WOW! Jeep Porn extreme! ;) That's looking freakin' awesome! Do you have a component break down for the rear battery and a wiring diagram for where it all goes??
  3. J

    Do it all trailer build.

    Holy sexy welds!!!!!! Drool! ;)
  4. J

    Aspen X Trails Kelly Tear Drop build

    That looks awesome and you delivering it to show him how it all works is amazing! He BETTER be happier than a 5 dic...uh, penised monkey! lol!
  5. J

    2016 Wrangler: Reading the tea leaves

    First gen HEMTTS didn't use airbags. A4s do and they ride like a caddy in comparison. I think if it were done well it would be a great design...for a Cherokee. But with visions of Range Rover ab issues in mind I would say nay on them from the factory in a JK. Just me. :)
  6. J

    Grand Wagoneer ?

    They tried that with the Commander... Epic fail. Go old or go home...haha!
  7. J

    Grand Wagoneer ?

    If you could locate a rust free one with a blown motor, have a current 5.3 drive train put in, you could make it damn near reliable. Diesel would be better but would blow the 10k out of the water. Find someone that is selling their project and go with it. For the Xtra $$ a cruiser would cost you...
  8. J

    Who owns the dodge thread I can't find...

    That's it Hawkz! Thanks for finding it. I'm gonna spend a while downloading pics and hope I can keep them this time. :) Not sure about the right/wrong of posting other forums but I won't tell if you don't. haha! As for 1speed... I read this in the thread on pirate: "I feel you. I am very rarely...
  9. J

    Who owns the dodge thread I can't find... are correct sir! *blush* haha Thanks and thank you for setting me straight. :)
  10. J

    Who owns the dodge thread I can't find...

    Thanks guys. I think you nailed it traveldreamer, that looks like it. I wonder what happened to him? The link you gave only has 2 pics and doesn't seem to have had much work put into it. :( Hope the guy is ok. And Redthies, Yeah, I read through Hacksters thread. I love what he's accomplished...
  11. J

    Who owns the dodge thread I can't find...

    Dang. What happened? Did he have some kind of tinfoil hat moment or something? Anyone have pics saved of it? :(
  12. J

    Who owns the dodge thread I can't find...

    Sorry guys...I've been searching and can't find something. I had drooled over a 24v cummins build on here and I swear I think the thread disappeared. Or maybe my cheese has finally slipped fully off my cracker? :elkgrin: I had thought it was Metcalf that had built it but looking at project do...
  13. J

    98 Jeep ZJ "SHTFV"

    Ahem.... Speaking of which. Isn't it time to start building some more? We are getting withdrawals over here....haha!
  14. J

    Sell 1998 Grand Cherokee to buy 1997 LX450?

    Buy the 'yota off you folks. Fix the big issues, Expo it a bit visually and sell for a profit. Use some of that to fix the Jeep, then sell for what you got in it. Then go buy something nice that you want. :)
  15. J

    2000 miles of nervous nirvana....

  16. J

    Help - Trailer Build question service body and ? trailer frame

    Welcome to hell... lol! I concur on the M101. Or think outside the box and get something like this: Its super cheap, enclosed, and has a free diesel motor. :) I would be on this if I hadn't already bought Project Speedy.
  17. J

    Misrepresentation of AutoHome roof top tents

    Holy brain melt! I'm so glad I can just go camping and not delve into the legal mumbo-jumbo....Feel bad for all you vendor folks! Hope it all works out for everyone!
  18. J

    The Survivor Jeep, built to drive through the end of the world.

    And proof its ALIVE! ;)
  19. J

    Aluminum Shell for M100 or M416

    Your killing me being so far away as I'd take it. And since work is non stop "fun" *cough-cough* there's no road trip coming up for me. :(
  20. J

    ?5 ton military vehicle x2 For Sale

    Holy Crap! Look at how many of our tax dollars got auctioned after becoming obsolete and no longer economically viable! :O $70613.00