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  1. J

    Post Pic's of your Jeep

    Hey goosedog, what color is that gray? Did you ditch the original air cleaner (oil bath?) For performance? Heehee Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk
  2. J

    1993 Ambulance Camper

    Man... this sucks. All that work and changing direction. But I can understand and empathize. I wish I had some spare $$ as I'm not to far in Arlington (Ft Myer) and have been eyeballing campers. Sigh... dang jeeps take all my money. Maybe I should sell off my trailer ad RTT... *gasp*
  3. J

    vintage dead reconing computer and manual.

    Not really sure if anyone here is a Pilot/navigator but I have this mint little guy in its original leatherette folder. Doesn't look like it was ever used. I have no idea what its worth so I'll just throw out $100 bucks OBO. Let me know if your interested please. Thanks a bunch!
  4. J

    Potential "build" starting points...

    And an update with no update.. Lol! Sorry to anyone that may have been interested in this. I've been work busy and just getting/keeping a jeep on the road has been the most I was able to manage. I have made some progress getting the XJ converted to 4x4, but trailer work has been nil. That may...
  5. J

    Overland XJs Unite!

    Been MIA for a while and thought I'd post up. Been getting my 01 sport converted over to 4wd and finally have it back on the road. Nice having my butt in the jeep again. Woot! :) Zombies or politicians... I choose zombies!
  6. J

    1978 Cherokee Chief Build

    Drool. Drool. Drool! Subscribing! :) My thoughts after several FSJs... First, get on the IFSJA website and make friends. They, like here, are a great bunch of folks with amazing knowledge. 2nd (as you plan) ditch those blocks. Who uses blocks AND some rectangular tubing?? Yikes! 3rd Howell is...
  7. J

    Cost for your DIY multi axis hitch?

    navigator... Here is jscherbs trailer thread where he talks about the hitch. and here is the link to his other thread where its more detailed (different...
  8. J

    Cost for your DIY multi axis hitch?

    Hey Guys...Thanks for the feedback. Mark, I will go over the receipt again just to make sure. And I'm not in Germany anymore...I'm now stationed in VA at Ft. Myer. Thanks for reminding me to fix that. :) And I agree jeepfreak81, prices can vary and taxes from state to state could be different...
  9. J

    Cost for your DIY multi axis hitch?

    I don't want to dirty up JScherb's threads by asking this kinda off topic question. I am curious as to what all you guys that have tried his or other designs for a multi axis trailer hitch have invested so far? I ran across a tractor supply and decided to go ahead and grab the hard to find stuff...
  10. J

    98 Jeep ZJ "SHTFV"

    Love that jeep..! Side note, why the shovel over a spade? I'd think a pointed digging tool would be easier? And wouldn't mounting it blade to the rear on the rack maybe be less wind collecting? Just curious. :)
  11. J

    Cherokee/xj help needed

    92 wouldn't be Renix...90 was the last year for them. Bosch came on board with the intro of the H.O. 4.0 in 91. Just food for thought. ;)
  12. J

    Overland CJ6

  13. J

    Overland XJs Unite!

    OttawaXJ (pm replied to) I do over on the military jeepers website. It is mostly a JCR DIY bumper kit that arrived in a big, flat box. I'm very pleased with the quality and fitment of it and it was both reasonable and easily shipped to me. The upper part is all me, I just used a brush guard I...
  14. J

    Overland XJs Unite!

    Small upgrades... I spent the last few weeks trying to get my XJ to pass inspection. Finally made it so its officially good to go! Wahooo! I also decided it was past time to install the hood louvers as its getting brutal hot and humid here and I don't want it overheating. I have had a pair of...
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    Rusty762's Project Overlander TJ 8

    Chewy... the Baca dog of danger.!!!. ;)
  16. J

    Big moon...

    Sorry if I screwed up the date folks. *Blush* Guess it doesn't matter on my end as the full moon sickness struck me dead center. Was driving the CJ to the nationals and the rear DS grenaded. I'm now stuck in the tiny town of Verona VA waiting to see if I can order one made custom and delivered...
  17. J

    M416 Build - Phase II - Addition of Hardsided Folding Camper Top

    I know this may be a PITA but is there any chance you could make a video of how it goes up/down? I'm curious as to how you make it all work, folding this into that and those coming down to cover whatever... Nothing fancy, just maybe turn the camera on and put it up or down. I'm diggin' this and...
  18. J

    Big moon...

    Just thought I'd remind you guys that tomorrow (Friday) is supposed to be some weirdo freak moon event. Something about it being closest to the earth or something....Anyway... maybe its time for Jeeps in the moonlight pics.?. :)
  19. J

    Grand Wagoneer ?

    My old ugly SJ just in case your bored. (starts around the 4 min mark here) And here. :) Just to note. This was a 4.2/T177/NP 208 turning 33x10.50s with 272 gears! And +/- 3"s of lift. It sounded literally like an old deuce and...
  20. J

    32X11.50X15 BFG AT KOs

    I'd be interested but I think shipping would be a deal killer. :( You may want to post a couple pics...that usually helps with sales. :)