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  1. J

    2016 Wrangler: Reading the tea leaves

    Wonder what that says about the demographics.?. ;) Guess we (society today, not me) want our BIG 'ol cake and eat it too! haha
  2. J

    Aspen X Trails Kelly Tear Drop build

    I love how this is coming along and looks great! I have one side question I didn't see addressed. The frame seems to be 1" square tubing with the carpet stuff being the main component. I was just curious if instead of carpet, could you have used spray in expanding foam then cover it? The foam...
  3. J

    Potential "build" starting points...

    I don't remember if I mentioned it but I had been eyeballing a trailer that had looked abandoned here on post. I finally got an MP to look at it the plate for me and he found that the owner had left over 3 years ago. The insinuation was that if it went away that nobody would care and it would...
  4. J

    2016 Wrangler: Reading the tea leaves

    I'm scared to see where Jeep/Feep goes with the only remaining actual Jeep looking model. A retired Col. here has been working on his MB since I've been here. Its jaw dropping sexy and almost laughable in its pure simplicity. We took it for a spin and got waves and grins everywhere we went...
  5. J

    2000 miles of nervous nirvana....

    Yea that you made it!!!!!!!!!!!!! Congrats and post up (with pics...haha) when you get recovered and settled. :)
  6. J

    Look at this thing!

    Who puts ONE wheel on a trailer??? hahaha! Neat though... in a vintage Vespa sort of way. ;)
  7. J

    What did you do to your Expo Jeep today?

    Hey Greg... Mind if I ask what that cost ya? Did you get all 150 feet worth? You can PM me if you don't want to broadcast the cost. :)
  8. J

    The Survivor Jeep, built to drive through the end of the world.

    Baby armageddon? I thought THIS was supposed to be the SHTF vehicle of choice? :)
  9. J

    UAV-TD (Urban Assualt Vehicle - tear drop) build

    Haha....I thought that was only after the first time your in it in the rain and realize your forgot to install the seal? ;O So are these type doors/hatch usually made out of wood? I have never looked at them much and am learning.
  10. J

    UAV-TD (Urban Assualt Vehicle - tear drop) build

    Oh goodie! Been waiting for this part! :) Can't wait to see how its waterproofed/seal design.
  11. J

    The Survivor Jeep, built to drive through the end of the world.

    I think its worth more in scrap steel prices.?. ;) And without a diesel? lol
  12. J

    Potential "build" starting points...

    Mark Harley... I hope that wasn't YOU doing 167!?!?!?! Lol! And yup... as soon as I can get someone there to answer the freakin' phone and let me know how/when to pick it up I can start. Bob... Thanks again. I suppose if I was sure I could so something to help like add air bags or something...
  13. J

    Potential "build" starting points...

    So Bob...Is it possible to "tune" the torsion axle by ordering different arms? How about getting some kind of parking brake? I haven't heard from the auction guy yet and when I called yesterday I was told he was out. I'll try calling again today...getting antsy about starting to tinker. :)
  14. J

    Potential "build" starting points...

    Actually that's really close...haha! I figured "Project Speedy" sounded appropriate. :) Though speed buggy ran a close second. lol! No word from the auction folks but I pretty much expected that. I have a 0300 work call tomorrow and the shop is closed until Wed anyway so I'm guessing maybe I can...
  15. J

    Aspen X Trails Kelly Tear Drop build

    Cool build!! Felt the desire to peep in after you were kind enough to offer the great advice on my thread. :) I actually just read through the entire thread here...very neat build! I'm curious to see how the rear door/hatch thing is made. I may be hitting you up for some ideas... :)
  16. J

    Potential "build" starting points...

    Ahh... I did misread you. :) Thanks for setting me right. So would it be possible to swap the arms/rubber bushing thingies for heavier ones? I'll try it as is no matter just to see what I have. If I keep the axle as is I will find a way to make it better engineered. I agree that it looks like to...
  17. J

    Potential "build" starting points...

    Thanks for the feedback Bob! I'm willing to bet this thing has seen little use in its life as most military/government equipment tends to do. We (the GOV) tend to buy way more than is needed at a high cost and then most of it just sits around. The good thing about this trailer is that its not...
  18. J


    The latest... As of last night here is my new, soon to be Frankensteined, radar included project... ;)
  19. J

    Potential "build" starting points...

    Excited... I went down to try and find the local contact and see about getting it to the shop but the guy wasn't around. I agree that solar is a big plus and have to admit that is part of why I bid on it. It was more than I hoped to spend on it but I don't think 600 bucks is more than I would...