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  1. prerunner1982

    Why do I want APRS???

    Well first to make an addendum to my post that you quoted, I am no longer using the dual band (1/4 wave on 2m) mag mount. I don't know if there was something wrong with the antenna or the coax or what, but I could TX most of the time but RX was almost non-existent unless I was really close to...
  2. prerunner1982

    $40 BaoFeng UV-5R Dual-Band Handhelds

    With CHIRP you can now also lower/adjust the squelch sensitivity of some of the Baofengs. I found this to be quite useful when receiving APRS packets. Though the radios have squelch levels you can select.. there wasn't really a lot of difference.
  3. prerunner1982

    HR 1301 - Amateur Radio Parity Act of 2015

    HR 1301 doesn't just allow a ham to erect whatever antenna they want. It keeps the HOA from straight out saying NO, but it requires that the ham and the HOA come to an agreement on what is an acceptable antenna set up.
  4. prerunner1982

    $40 BaoFeng UV-5R Dual-Band Handhelds

    Im sure this has been posted before but has a lot of good info on these radios, for those that are new to the Baofengs/Pofungs.
  5. prerunner1982

    SOLD: 2004 Toyota Tacoma XtraCab 4x4 w/SR5 & TRD package Radiant Red

    Ryan, Do you still have the ham radio? You likely don't remember me but I stopped and talked to you one day at 7-11 of 164th and May about ham radio, I was driving a old stock black Jeep Cherokee. It was about 3 yrs ago, lol. Finally got around to getting my license almost 2 yrs ago. If you...
  6. prerunner1982

    Why do I want APRS???

    If the group is running together you don't need to track the whole group or even half the group. APRS was meant for situational awareness, but has turned into not much more than GPS tracking. But that aspect alone can be used in a variety of situations. Multi-group trail runs, search and...
  7. prerunner1982

    Question about wiring my CB into a cigarette adapter to power it

    It's not so much the wattage that's the issue with powering a CB through the cig lighter it's the noise that it may pick up. I say may because it may not, seems to vary by vehicle. I have had some that do and some such as my current Jeep that does not have this problem.
  8. prerunner1982

    Day of Dirt Adventure 2015 (Pic heavy thread)

    Photos by: Myself, Randy Riech, Barry Brisco, Echo Machey, Jack Irby, Jonathan Greenroy, Karen Greenway, Katie Warner, Nazih Al-Mufleh, Staci Tressler, and possibly others.
  9. prerunner1982

    Day of Dirt Adventure 2015 (Pic heavy thread)

    As the event continues to grow and evolve new things are learned that will hopefully make next years event even better. Not only was two convoys a first for the Day of Dirt so was having Sponsors and I can't begin to show my gratitude for believing in the event enough to provide their products...
  10. prerunner1982

    Day of Dirt Adventure 2015 (Pic heavy thread)

    From Ingalls we headed South a few miles to an area known as Ghost Hollow. As the story goes, a tree in the area was used to hang criminals. In the 1890s an innocent man was hanged and overnight the tree lost all its bark and from then on it would glow in the moonlight. The road through Ghost...
  11. prerunner1982

    Day of Dirt Adventure 2015 (Pic heavy thread)

    At this point we headed South a few miles at which point we passed the other convoy. What a sight that was, 100 Jeeps passing each other on a long country road, it had to be the Worlds longest Jeep wave. But wait....... they are covered in MUD! Where did they find that? We eventually turned West...
  12. prerunner1982

    Day of Dirt Adventure 2015 (Pic heavy thread)

    We loaded up and headed East to Hart Cemetery, named after the Hart family who not only is buried there but also owned the land the cemetery is on. The cemetery itself is fairly large, but contains less than 30 graves. Just about a half mile down the road and around the corner was the Mount...
  13. prerunner1982

    Day of Dirt Adventure 2015 (Pic heavy thread)

    I know this isn't as grand an adventure as a lot of reports here, but none the less... If you aren't familiar with it the Day of Dirt Adventure (sometimes just referred to as the D.o.D.) it is a back road tour of Oklahoma's forgotten history. A group of mostly Jeeps convoy along a 50-80 mile...
  14. prerunner1982

    Blue Water LED Cyber 400S - review

    Blue Water LEDs has been making LED lights for boats and boat trailers for awhile, but they also make LED lights/lightbars for off road vehicles as well. Recently I had the opportunity to look at one of their Cyber Series 400S. First thing I noticed was how large this light is... from the...
  15. prerunner1982

    cobra 19 DX lV Question

    If by grounded you mean the antenna mount has a nice clean metal connection to the body.. YES.... if you mean as in wired to the negative battery terminal.. NO. How is the radio being powered? If you have it into the fuse box or into the cig lighter/power socket trying powering it directly...
  16. prerunner1982

    TERMN-8R 6 band radio
  17. prerunner1982


    Cosmetic and newer firmware. The radio itself already carries a Part 90 cert... or at least it is noted as such on the inside of my UV-5R+ (x2).
  18. prerunner1982

    CB antenna mount opinions

    Correct, a regular antenna will work better.