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  1. prerunner1982

    Programming help

    Used CHIRP as well on my 8800. With CHIRP you can download a list of repeaters for your area from a couple of sites (including and, sure beats manually entering all the freqs and offsets and such especially when we are talking about about freqs for a whole...
  2. prerunner1982

    Decided to go with 2m.. but need help choosing..

    And unfortunately it isn't a good indicator of how far you can successfully communicate. You may be able to break squelch but your signal so poor that nobody can hear you or make out what you are saying.
  3. prerunner1982


    Per Title 47, Part 95, Subpart A (GMRS)... ( §95.135 Maximum authorized transmitting power. (a) No station may transmit with more than 50 watts output power. (b) [Reserved] (c) A small...
  4. prerunner1982

    dual band benefits

    Depends on what's available in your area. UHF only may work fine for you, but if you travel you may enter an area that is primarily VHF. I would guess also that if someone is going to buy a single band rig it would likely be a VHF.... Here in Oklahoma 2m repeaters are everywhere so one could...
  5. prerunner1982

    HAM antenna mount question on a JK.

    A buddy of mine has a 19" mag mount on the inside of his TJ on top of the rear fender and has had surprisingly good results.
  6. prerunner1982

    HAM antenna mount question on a JK.

    Yes, though not quite as common there are a few. Here is one for example. If you do your own search you are looking for one with a 3/8 x 24 stud mount.
  7. prerunner1982

    HAM antenna mount question on a JK.

    That mount could work fine, but if it were me (and it's not.....) I would mount the ham antenna to the front fender/hood. I am not a fan of spare tire mounts for antenna as the mounts do not make a good ground connection with the rest of the body resulting in a poor ground plane.
  8. prerunner1982

    Comms Clarification Questions

    The Baofeng is illegal for FRS use either way so having an external antenna connected isn't going to matter. FRS is limited to 1/2 watt and can not have a removable antenna. Not likely to get caught using is on FRS though as long as you keep it on the down low and maybe keep the power turned down.
  9. prerunner1982

    Where to mount ham radio in Jeep Cherokee?

    Going to run a dual band radio (Ft-8800r) with remote head and was just curious where everyone mounted each in their Jeep Cherokee. Trying to get ideas. Thanks.
  10. prerunner1982

    Basic CB Questions-Are you like me and stuck in the past?

    I have always grown up with CBs as well and have kept one if every vehicle. I have one in my Jeep because most of the local group runs CBs and when I lead a convoy it's nice to have communication. I keep mine on 19 as that is what most people run, group runs on 4. I also carry a dual band HT...
  11. prerunner1982

    $40 BaoFeng UV-5R Dual-Band Handhelds

    Looks good.... I made one similar for my Cherokee. Not quite as pretty, but was made with an angle grinder.
  12. prerunner1982

    $40 BaoFeng UV-5R Dual-Band Handhelds

    Yes but also not the exact same radio.:smiley_drive:
  13. prerunner1982

    $40 BaoFeng UV-5R Dual-Band Handhelds

    Price has already gone up $40. Still not bad though.
  14. prerunner1982

    Big ol antennas...

    A buddy of mine runs a 102" steel whip with an antenna tuner for his Icom 706 in his Jeep Cherokee. Can keep it clipped down to the roof when not needed.
  15. prerunner1982

    $40 BaoFeng UV-5R Dual-Band Handhelds

    The Boafeng UV-5R can now been had for less than $30... Perhaps they are clearing stock due to the newer Baofeng UV-82s...
  16. prerunner1982

    Most popular CB trail channel

    I say 16......because 4x4..... = 16 :) but the group I run with uses 4.
  17. prerunner1982

    Here are some HAM Radio License Study Guides

    Used those same guides for my Tech and General as well.
  18. prerunner1982

    HAM Operators- Post up here

    or opening a phone book. No biggie, it's already public info. As long as the Mothership knows where to find me I am good. :ylsmoke:
  19. prerunner1982

    A vehicle isn't yours until you've named it. What do you call your Jeep vehicle?

    Wagon Master As I put on an event (Day of Dirt Adventure) every year (sometimes twice a year) where I lead a group (43 vehicles last trip) around the back country roads checking out old cemeteries, bridges, abandoned towns and houses.