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  1. J

    Rebuilding an XJ 4.0--in Hemi Orange!

    How do you like the Spectre CAI? I've been thinking of using one of those to route my snorkel to the TBI and deleting the factory airbox.
  2. J


    "If you build it they will come".... Unfortunately that quote says nothing about them not selling them! :(
  3. J

    Repairing Pelican cases.?.?.

    I suppose that's an option as well...? But I'm a DIY kind of guy anyways and since I'm sure I only have a couple hundred other projects going at the same! Plus I'd think some hinges would be cheap and can't be too hard to replace. I've been needing a heat gun and this could be a good...
  4. J

    Repairing Pelican cases.?.?.

    Hmm.... I just don't think I'd feel right about taking something from the dumpster (especially since it WAS GOV equip) and then trying to return it to the manufacturer for repair or replacment... Just seems wrong. Dumpster diving is one thing, so is re-purposing... But I hardly think Pelican...
  5. J


    Its a tease to me so I thought I'd share the angst. ;)
  6. J

    Repairing Pelican cases.?.?.

    Well... the cases I have are not cracked so I don't think the epoxy will be needed. Is a heat gun to much heat to unwarp them or just a matter of being careful? Any idea how to work on the hinge pins? I hope they are not cast into the thing when they are formed... *shrugs*
  7. J

    Repairing Pelican cases.?.?.

    So I hit the mother load down at the recycle center today... Some unit must have cleaned house and threw away a bunch of damaged Pelican cases. I dove in to rescue what I could and sorted through the ones that were beyond repair and kept the ones that were either fixable or good for parts. My...
  8. J

    The Grey

    Looks awesome Jan... Two questions, Any idea what kind of plane that is in the pic? And is your RTT mounted backwards??
  9. J

    Diesel Comanche build

    And temps... Bio doesn't care for really cold weather and likes to gel. We can put people on other planets but can't figure how to fix that one... go figure. :( But I can't wait to see how this turns out. Do you have a link to the adapter folks?
  10. J

    1973 Wagoneer - Full Size Camping Goodness

    Its expensive but not really overpriced. There was a LOT of work put into that Cherk and it has been the cause of many puddles of drool over the years. I'd buy it without the drive train and put a 4bt in it and have a super clean, uber reliable unique classic. But that's just me dreaming again... :)
  11. J

    1973 Wagoneer - Full Size Camping Goodness

    Just so you guys know (and to torture you like it does me...) The Cherk from "Trucks" built by Stacy David is for sale. *Drool* You can see the link to it here... Wish I had that kind of money for a project. :(
  12. J

    My New XJ.

    First thing to do is to check and make sure the head isn't the dreaded 0331... From there it is all gravy! Congrats! Now get to building! :)
  13. J

    BNIB Rough Country adjustable track bar XJ

    Does the 100 bucks include shipping? I'm interested if it does.
  14. J

    Changing Directions 2001 XJ Expedition Build

    Your fine with the 8.25. If you get an itch and feel an upgrade is in order than I'd say shoot for a 98-newer Ford Explorer 8.8. Gives you discs and a lot more HD but hard to warrant the cost. As for finding an XJ dana 44... good luck. I'm curious as to what your expo aspect is on this as...
  15. J

    JKJenn's Expedition Build Thread

    Dang nice build....Why can't I find a woman with your tastes? lol! On a side tangent and seeing your in PA....Any suggestions on spots to explore in that general area? I'm headed to VA/DC in a few months as my new duty station and know very little about that part of the east coast.
  16. J

    Rango.....1942 Willys MB

    Yup. Just shoot the "cleaned" part with some brake cleaner or acetone to remove the res. :)
  17. J

    Rango.....1942 Willys MB

    Big 'ol plastic tub filled with Bio Diesel will clean most :)
  18. J

    Spray Can Sahara Tan??

    That's just...SICK! Me likey!!!!!!!!! :) But I'd suggest going with semi gloss on the trim paint. Seems to hide fingerprints better and may not fade out as well...maybe.?. Can't wait for the build thread!
  19. J

    Rango.....1942 Willys MB

    Yeah... Running a NorthWest Fabworks "BlackBox" between my NV4500 and the Dana 300 in my Scrambler. I have a small fortune in it all and I just like the idea of making something unusual work... cheaply. haha!
  20. J

    Thinking about jumping ship.....

    Plus there is a bazillion times more after market support and used parts available for an XJ! Now if this was between an XJ and a Grand Cherk... the decision would be harder. But I'm voting XJ.