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  1. J

    Jeep lineup in the next few years

    And both equally make me want to vomit. Blech!
  2. J

    The Jeep "things"... One and two.

    I remember the first time I saw these mounted on the HMMWV and thought "what a great idea". The funny thing is almost every person I have ever seen with one of these on their vehicles has either not known or had huge issues figuring out how to work it. Haha! I was doing my weekly recon of the...
  3. J

    The Jeep "things"... One and two.

    Intent... Scrounging for swag. :) And here is the lynch pin of the swing out tire carrier. I found this being thrown away in the recycle center dumpster and salvaged it. Its far to heavy as is so I will be cutting a lot of the fat and using only the parts I truly need. Stay tuned... Tomorrow...
  4. J

    The Jeep "things"... One and two.

    Bump Something hopefully a lil more fun. :) Here is where I apply almost full blame towards Reece01 and his magnificent bumper design/build on his grand cherk project "S.H.T.F". His super clean and well executed bumper build gave my creative juices a jump start. If your reading this and...
  5. J

    The Jeep "things"... One and two.

    Ooopsss... carnage.. This is the end result of when the shop employee "helped" me push T1 into the bay and onto the lift. He used the shop forklift and guess he lost control. The end result was T1 went off the other end of the lift and was sandwiched between the wall and the pushing forklift...
  6. J

    The Jeep "things"... One and two.

    Dissection.. Rust bad. :( After a short couple of test drives I learned few things. The brakes are awful and the rear has some issue that makes it only move easy in reverse. Figured that was a rear brake issue so I set to working on them. Like any Jeep worth its rust, T1 resisted at every turn...
  7. J

    The Jeep "things"... One and two.

    progress slow Making it live and stop drooling/leaking. These are pics of the first days I had it in the shop. My goal was to make it run so I could see if I had just wasted 500 bucks or not. The previous owner had pulled the pan gasket thinking that was its oil leak issue. Well, it may have...
  8. J

    The Jeep "things"... One and two.

    Pics galore... I'm home on lunch and thought I'd toss up some in progress T1 pics. Details will follow. :) As you can see it has some pretty good rust going on. The stuff in the back I kinda didn't expect but discovered when I found the carpet was wet. The rocker areas I'm not to concerned...
  9. J

    The Jeep "things"... One and two.

    Thank YOU sir! I hit my 15yr mark this year as well and sometimes it seems like 50. Haha! I remember when I was at Hood, going behind the Kileen mall to do some light "wheeling"...I'll have to see if I can scan some old pics. Had an 85 Scrambler way back then too. ;) Bliss offers a lot of...
  10. J

    The Jeep "things"... One and two.

    Yes sir! Thats the plan..well, one of the plans. LOL! I got to admit I got a little burned out working on the 8 for a while. It was more the waiting for parts and then finding them still not correct. I'll be getting back to it soon though. Being single means I can spend all my time and money on...
  11. J

    The Jeep "things"... One and two.

    Yeah... Finally broke down and started. No need to keep muddying up yours. Haha! And yes... that "problem" has been mine for many years. :) Glad you found it and I'll try update it soon. its 0145 and I'm just got called into work. Typing on this lousy Gubment computer is aweful! And it won't let...
  12. J

    Rango.....1942 Willys MB

    Metcalf...check this out! Dang I wish I lived in CO!
  13. J

    The Jeep "things"... One and two.

    Best of luck at Hood brotha! I was there in the early 90s. Was at Bliss before coming here to Germany. MJ= Military Jeepers. Basically any place you go there is a chapter. Lots of good guys, they will usually try and get together a run a month depending on the location. Here in Europe there...
  14. J

    The Jeep "things"... One and two.

    Hey Brotha! Thanks for the "Howdy". :) I can't wait to PCS back stateside myself but I have a little while left to go. Germany has been...interesting, but it sure not the good 'ol US of A! And that sucks you couldn't bring your LJ but honestly, had I known then what I do now, my Scrambler would...
  15. J

    The Jeep "things"... One and two.

    I figured its probably about time I start a thread of my own relating to my jeep(s) build. I'm active duty Army and currently stationed in Germany so I'm going to lump all my project in one condensed thread. Why? Well... Like everyone, finding time and funds (and getting them to overlap) is a...
  16. J

    Reviving a Willys

    And if its still got the original glass fuel filter you can clean that too. Probably full of something that smells like kerosene by now. :O The points you can set with a book of matches (they do still MAKE books of matches, don't they?). And I'd suggest not getting all excited and trying to...
  17. J

    Aero's 1999 Cherokee Limited

    Cool... thanks for the heads up. Glad I nabbed that ZJ one when I saw it! :) Wasn't sure how the snorkel would work with the dump bottle in a fender kit Jeep designed. :( Did you have to pull your fender off completely to get the old bottle out? I ordered my snorkel about 3 1/2 weeks ago and am...
  18. J

    Reviving a Willys

    Yes...PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!! Take lots of pictures!!! We are flat fender whores here! Well, I am at least...and maybe a few others. :) As previously mention..pull the plugs and pour a little Marvel mystery oil, or transmission fluid, or something in the cylinders before trying to just crank it...
  19. J

    Aero's 1999 Cherokee Limited

    Lookin' good! Mind if I asked how you got around the washer bottle when you installed your snorkel? Any pics? Thanks and Happy Independence Day!
  20. J

    Building custom soft top for the LJ

    Awesomeness! Sorry to hear about the CV failure but Jeeps happen. :) Make sure whoever replaces it uses quality parts as the cheapies will wear fast. On a side note and back towards the topic. Did you ever think of adding velcro strips inside the top so you could affix some insulation panels...