Search results

  1. J

    Sliders, care to share what you have on your Jeep?

    oops... guess I should have been a wee bit more specific in my choice. :) These are the JCR units I prefer. Hug the body lines and are plenty stout without becoming cumbersome.
  2. J

    1987 XJ- Which Tranny?

    Sure... and a Dana 35 only "may" break.... personally, Whenever possible, I like to remove any potential weak links in my Jeeps if I have to pull the part anyway. Just my 2 centavoes. :)
  3. J

    1979 FJ55

    A canoe? Heck... you could lash an air craft carrier with those! heehee!
  4. J

    Found a 1999 extended cab Dodge with cummins 4x4 85k looks pristine

    RT (or anyone) looking at that GEN Cummins... A few points. Ball joints are notoriously weak and wear often. Lift pump likes to go and eats the P pump. NV4500 likes to toss 5th gear out the window with no warning (ask me about this one! :( ) and there are a plethora of other well documented...
  5. J

    Let's see your LJ's!

    This count? Well,Its a Jeep...and its long??:elkgrin: Sorry, Couldn't resist.
  6. J

    Sliders, care to share what you have on your Jeep?

    For less obtrusive I vote JCR. Basically its armor plating for whats there and works great, no additional real loss of clearance. For the next stage I go with more common 2x6 rails and removal of the factory rockers completely. Adds tank like strength and may even gain clearance. Plus, if you...
  7. J

    Rebuilding an XJ 4.0--in Hemi Orange!

    Yup... you missed it. Now you have to go all the way back to page two! hahahahahahaha! He touches on it there but doesn't show the end home for the filter itself. :)
  8. J

    The Jeep "things"... One and two.

    Foreward! Thanks for the compliments Jim! I'd swear I had written a reply but it either got lost or I'm actually getting old? haha! Mad a little forward progress on the bumper today. Still having personal welder issues but thankfully nobody was wanting the shop welder. For some reason I was...
  9. J

    Unopened Case of Quikclot Combat Gauze

    These serve their intended purpose. If your bleeding out at a rate fast enough for these to not help then you will either (hopefully) be being attended to by someone else or a tourniquet should be being employed. If you have a severe puncture or reasonable laceration these will slow and often...
  10. J

    Unopened Case of Quikclot Combat Gauze

    oops... Sorry sir, Completely missed the header part. To any interested, this IS a vastly improved product over the 1st Gen stuff. I keep some of these in my bug out bag just for a SHTF kind of day and yes, they work. I've had to use both versions for their original intents and that is why I...
  11. J

    14' Jeep GC 'EcoDiesel'

    Depending on where you live, yes. And while the emission nazis continue to force stricter controls and us sheeple allow them to do it, we will always be forced to either do without or find other means to get what we want. In a contest between being forced to drive something less efficient for...
  12. J

    EricM's 2001 XJ Camping - Geocaching - Family Daily Driver

    I just saw a new (within a couple years?) Honda car in the JY here. I don't know much about cars, imports esp. but it has some pretty nice looking leather heated seats in it. I may look at it and measure to see if I can squeeze those in my XJ. :) Gotta love warm buns!
  13. J

    Post up your drawer/storage system

    Lol.... Believe it or not I have. :) On the military jeepers site I started one called dumpster diving. Its both sickening and interesting to see the things that show up there. No telling what kind of bizarre or neat item will appear. And if your not proud (my pride is trumped by my cheapness...
  14. J

    EricM's 2001 XJ Camping - Geocaching - Family Daily Driver

    But you'll probably want to run them off a relay. They can be thirsty for juice. Also, don't forget to thoroughly clean and lube all the moving parts and tracks. :)
  15. J

    Post up your drawer/storage system

    Just found something today that may help me along with my own version.... Being thrifty (cheap) and spry (for a middle ager) I fought a difficult fight with a very large box. Found what used to be some sort of PA/Audio transportation thing (Like what roadies would use to load out band gear?)in...
  16. J

    1987 XJ- Which Tranny?

    Go here, young Jed..ur, Jeepeye.... Find you will answers of turdly transmissions. :)
  17. J

    Unopened Case of Quikclot Combat Gauze

    Please either explain what this is and how it works or add a link. If this is the first Gen, powder, then please, PLEASE state it is for dire, life or death only situations. Does it work? yes. Is it an end all fix for an injury... not by a long shot. There are risks. I'm not trying to hinder...
  18. J

    " U.S. Military Jeeps " Poster and Australian 4wd Rooth Adventure DVD

    Dibs on the poster!!!! PLEASE! :) :) :) Paypal or...? Would you mind mailing it... kinda far to come from Germany to pick it up. heehee! Please let me know. I'm out in the field for the next few days off and on but I'll check back in when I can. Please PM me or what ever is easier. Thanks!!! Ted
  19. J

    Joined the Dark Side...traded a T4R for a YJ (The Black Jeep Build)

    Can you ditch the sways and trac bars? Well, yeah....and While you'll not miss the trac bar since (IMHO) its FAR less useful on a leaf sprung Jeep than one with links/coils...You'll prob. want to think about putting the front sway bar back on at least. Just get some quick disconnects for when...
  20. J

    Lucky8 Fridge sale

    Any idea of what type of plastic is used for the case? Any close up pics of the hinge and latch? :)