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  1. J

    Post up your drawer/storage system

    ^ nice work!^ How much do they weigh in at empty? What Ga steel did you use and size tubing?
  2. J

    14' Jeep GC 'EcoDiesel'

    And to think of the potential once the re-programmers get caught up.... Free up some of that power and maybe boost the MPG numbers in the process. Woot! And then drop it in a JK. Double Woot! Granted it will be 30 years before I could afford a used one... and I'll be over 70 by then! :O
  3. J

    Overland XJs Unite!

    Oh.... me likey! I was gonna ask how the new version mounted up front until I saw the 2-3 pics...Nice cage. :) How are those heims on the swing out doing for you? Any movement or rattle?
  4. J

    Joined the Dark Side...traded a T4R for a YJ (The Black Jeep Build)

    All is normal. :) The Dana 30 front axle in yours uses what is called a CAD system instead of hubs (automatic like your 4Rnr or manual like most older 4x4s). CAD stands for center axle disconnect and uses vacuum from the engine to slide a shift collar in the long side of the axle to lock its 2...
  5. J

    Joined the Dark Side...traded a T4R for a YJ (The Black Jeep Build)

    If you'd post some pics we could all give it a look-see and maybe offer some ideas to help. :)
  6. J

    Overland XJs Unite!

    Holy centipede mounting feet! lol!
  7. J

    Thermal blankets for fridges?

    Lots of threads out there on folks adapting stuff like Window sun shades and the like.
  8. J

    Reviving a Willys

    I think we've all been april fooled! Either that or the Jeep ate him!?!
  9. J

    EricM's 2001 XJ Camping - Geocaching - Family Daily Driver

    That's interesting to know a GC seat may fit its lil XJ brother. I know folks swap the fronts in to make it more comfy but never knew about the rear. I'd like pics when your done please. :) I'm actually thinking of tossing my rear seat or finding a way to raise it up on different brackets. I...
  10. J

    Fs: Tenchi Top RTT

    Here ya go. Technitop was purchased by African Outback products IIRC. In the link it the tent listed "plastic tent", bottom left. :) The new version is pretty neat but I'm not that complicated a person for it.
  11. J

    Fs: Tenchi Top RTT

    And by the way to folks looking... I really like my tent so far. Its very spacious and sets up pretty easy once you do it a couple times. The "hard" outter shell is nice, thick ABS type plastic so tree branches and stuff don't really worry me. It will either deflect or maybe pick up a scar but...
  12. J

    Joined the Dark Side...traded a T4R for a YJ (The Black Jeep Build)

    As to your question about a YJ specific site...I don't know honestly. I'm sure they are out there. As mentioned, Jeepforum is a good start. Good thing is a lot of the drive train is the same as TJ/XJ/ZJ etc as far as motor, transmission, and axles go. The body work on a YJ is still "old'' Jeep...
  13. J

    My new ZJ Expedition Rig

    Lookin' great! Can you take a different pic of the bumper? I'm trying to eyeball it and keep focusing on that recovery point. Is it me or does it hold a tank sized shackle? :)
  14. J

    CVT Group Buy!

    Nice 3a you got hiding in the background! :)
  15. J

    Joined the Dark Side...traded a T4R for a YJ (The Black Jeep Build)

    Welcome...Your the blackest of sheep with those square headlights but its ok. Anything to keep you away from Yoda/yota. :) And while I can't say anything about a leaking/non leaking RMS...Once your spend some time riding around without the top and doors you'll swear off the cage-cars forever! :)
  16. J

    The Jeep "things"... One and two.

    Oh...Poo! So about this time things kind of went south. My welder was out of flux core wire and my back up spool, for whatever reason, is not cored. And since I don't have a bottle here to run with it I was left trying to use the shops titanic sized welder. Normally that wouldn't be a bad thing...
  17. J

    The Jeep "things"... One and two.

    Swinging and fuddling... So after I got the new, longer (oops) top piece cut and trimmed to fit I started taking the salvaged carrier into more useful parts. In order to eliminate the Vertical lift aspect of the old design I had to get the pivot pin out. Whoever said that an elephant is just a...
  18. J

    The Jeep "things"... One and two.

    Settin' up for the day Did a little idea scrubbing with this as I was still getting set up this morning. The idea wasn't bad but I just wasn't up to adding that much more weight on the back end. I know there is arguments for front vs rear vs movable but I've always made it a habit to wheel with...
  19. J

    The Jeep "things"... One and two.

    Starting out well... :) So I stopped by Burger King to get some breakfast before heading to Jeep duty and what do I see pulling in the parking lot? ARGH! I need THESE guys job! They work for the museum doing restoration work. Guess they get to make sure whatever it is actually works!?! haha!
  20. J

    Fs: Tenchi Top RTT

    Both if its not a big deal but mostly the part not attached to the tent half. For some reason mine was new but didn't come with it. :( I'm thinking I may try and build one since it takes a while to get a replacement one sent here to Germany. Any help/pics would be awesome! And thanks in advance! :)