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  1. C

    My new to me trailer.

    Or the hubs are industrial. Lots of farm equipment and some John deere stuff used those damned lugs.. Good find!
  2. C

    what trailer is this

    looks like a kit trailer that they used to sell in the back of pop mechanics mag in the 50's.. I have parts of one I'm planning to rebuild,, mine was too rusty to use the body,, but the axle, suspension, and most of the frame was in good shape.. apparently wet leaves sitting for years make...
  3. C

    expo trailer with motorcycle

    I'm planning on extending the "A" frame on my 416 and putting a bike rack across the a-frame. This will be on pins as I will only have it on when the bike goes with.. also,, I'm doing a receiver in the back.. When the bike is on the front I will use my receiver mount cargo box for extra storage...
  4. C

    My M416 Build Thread

    well,, that is an odd bolt pattern,, nissan? or LR?
  5. C

    My M416 Build Thread

    You know,, if you want to do away with the spacers you can buy hubs that are blank,, and have a machine shop put in the 6x4.5 stud holes and studs for you,, would get the tires in a little closer.. I think the company that you got your axle from has these.. just an option,, otherwise it looks...
  6. C

    Food, trailers and animals

    SA 1911 .45 very effective on any intruder..
  7. C

    Food, trailers and animals

    Here in the NE PA mountains the bears are brave and very very comfortable with humans.. its a problem,, and less and less people out hunting them is driving the #'s of the population up and up.. this year has been quiet,, but last year we had 6 bear attacks in a 12 mile radius of the house...
  8. C

    My m416 finally finished - and unveiled! (not 56k-friendly)

    Thanks for the picks of the A frame,, it looks like its spaced out with washers/spacers to give it a softer angle(if that makes sense) and thus making it longer when the two parts/sides of the A meet.. I just didnt thing such a slight change would make that drastic a difference.. And the U bolts...
  9. C

    Offroad Teardrop - SawTooth XL

    Lookin good!! nice to see someone build a grasshopper! well of sorts.. just one question,, those are temp wheels right? they look real close to the frame.. I suspect you will be going with soft8's or something with a little less backspacing than the stock xj wheels? what size tire you planning...
  10. C

    Cutting down RTT ladder...

    Mine seems to be measure twice cut three times and its still too short!
  11. C


    sake and redbull?? oh,,thats just great,, I've got used to the redbull vodka combos,, now something new to try,, I'll be heading to the liquer store in the morning! and the sushi bar for lunch!
  12. C

    My m416 finally finished - and unveiled! (not 56k-friendly)

    yep,, yinnger,, but I'm having lions head tonight,, its from wilkes-barre and only $12 a case for lager,, almost like yuengling,, if your already a 6pack in.. Now back to the show,, more pics....
  13. C

    My m416 finally finished - and unveiled! (not 56k-friendly)

    By any chance could you post some pics of the "A" frame from the underside? That trailer looks great!! I'll be heading to costco for some of those tie downs too.. Thanks, Steve Oh,, whats a 3.2 state?? I dont have to go far for some Yuengling lager,, brewery is 30 minutes away..
  14. C

    Rig at the top of the AT Report Gallery page

    Where in PA?? If I come across them I'll let em know to check in here..
  15. C

    Spy photo of new AT Trailer

    I went camping last weekend,, like when I was a kid,, no planning,, just a tent air mattress,, comforter,, basic cooking stuff,, little food and coffee just for one night.. My back will never be the same! air mattress blew out as soon as I laid down,, we had hail storms, high winds and dropped...
  16. C

    Camping Trailer Idea & Sketch

    I said hub centric as that is what is said over on the jeep JK forums,, as most steel wheels are not and have issues.. Seems chrysler believes in both the hub center taking the weight and the lugs(small center bore).. and for the wheels,, yes you can get some to fit,, but as I said,, you must...
  17. C

    Spy photo of new AT Trailer

    When you find out how to do the cloning thing let me know,, I'd like to send one of me to work so I can go camping..
  18. C

    Camping Trailer Idea & Sketch

    You can get a 3500# axle with 5x5 bolt pattern,, just check the hubs before to see if they fit the center bore of the jk wheels,, the jk wheels are hub centric..
  19. C

    Spy photo of new AT Trailer

    Mario,, you need to update your container cabin blog..
  20. C


    One left,, the other two will be delivered this weekend..