Search results

  1. C

    JK Roof Top Tents and Pop-Ups

    What would be nice is if sportsmobile would make a top for the Jk4dr.. something that would drop right on.. I like the vans the build..
  2. C

    Expedition Wheels

    Do you know what the stock wheel weight is??
  3. C

    ARRGGGHHH!!! Decisions about the JK or FJ.

    I've had Toyota's in the past and sat in a new FJ,, I refused to even drive it.. its so poorly designed ergonomically you would think it was done by Harley.. I was always a toy fan,, but also a jeep fan,, Living in the rust belt of Pa historically the older jeeps would rot away before they would...
  4. C

    What military trailer is this?

    That trailer is too heavy for a jeep.. the empty weight is close to 1400#'s.. thats empty,, if you can find the newer one thats 3/4t that is built to tow behind the hummer, its lighter.. I think closer to 800#'s
  5. C

    Overland Journal Trailer Comparison

    Hey is this mag available on any newsstand?? I'd like to get this copy,, possibly even subscribe,, but I'd love to be able to pick one up to see it.. and read this article!
  6. C

    416 coming soon. I have ?'s

    If you have a TSC tractor supply center, or something of the sort, they usually have ok deals on media.. as does harbor freight..
  7. C

    416 coming soon. I have ?'s

    There are bolts around the outside of the tub on tabs that overhang onto the frame, also I believe there is a couple underneath too but I'm unsure on them.. I can check tomorrow and post a pic of mine if that helps? Steve
  8. C

    Not an expedition trailer, but can you ID this one?

    That is an old clamshell popup from the 50's.. Do a search on vintage travel trails and you should find that one.. Not very popular but there are some pics online of some in mint cond. If I find any I'll post a link.
  9. C

    416 coming soon. I have ?'s

    If your looking for metal for the floor and want to keep it kinda light but tough,, try looking for a pickup bed,, cut the ribbed floor out of one and use that to skin the bed. It wont have the factory drains but at first glance they look factory.. And sometimes you can find them close to free..
  10. C

    Military shipping container

    If only you were in PA!!
  11. C


    Still here and need to be snatched up.. wife is not happy they are here.. Steve
  12. C


    These are still available,, have had lots of pm's, calls and even offers,, but no one has picked them up yet.. I need these gone,, before I decide to figure out a way to keep all three.. I'm about to pick one to send to the sand blaster and have totally stripped and I'll paint it up when it gets...
  13. C

    416 coming soon. I have ?'s

    Yup get a 3500# axle from or one of the online supply shops,, They will build you exact width and either weld perches on or leave them loose for you.. and you can pick your bolt pattern..(get the straight idler axle-no bow, you wont have enough weight to worry about the bow) I...
  14. C

    416 coming soon. I have ?'s

    Ok,, Lots of questions,, First, lunette is better if the parts are there,, if not and your not going to restore it,, go with a loc-n-rol type.. Weld in a 2" receiver to the A frame, or have a welder do it. Tailgates are easy to do harder to do good.. I dont know of a tailgate to buy? but...
  15. C

    Worth while trailer platform

    If you have a very large tow vehicle it would be,, but empty I think they are 1500#?
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  18. C


    Well,, I had one buyer who had a verbal on two back out for now,, so they are back up for sale.. I do need to move these as my community rules do not allow multiple trailers sitting like this.. Offers considered, trades considered.. But I will not hold one without money down more than 24 hrs...
  19. C

    best trailer to start a build with?

    Whats your $ range,, you might find some new that aren't really that much $.. as the military trailers are going up the harder they are to find.. The Canadians are going for 12-1500 in the mid Atlantic states,, if you can find them,, and a good shape 416 restored is about a grand,, unrestored...
  20. C

    Spy photo of new AT Trailer

    Cool,, now even more impatient,, thanks!