Search results

  1. RiverCityDave

    On Board Hot Water Install for Shower

    I have mixed feelings about the onboard shower, I absolutely plan to do it, we stayed five days at SPI this spring, and if we hadn't rigged solar showers, I think my wife would have cashed it is the third night. (Honestly, I probably would have too...) my problem with the onboard is venting...
  2. RiverCityDave

    Mauka2Makai - Our Quest Begins...An 80 Series Adventure

    I get a HARD 10 MPG with my setup, and I have far less drag than you, I would be SOO Stoked to see 12-15 MPG. Its probably the stupid chrome wheels affecting my mileage. we are usually loaded down too, and I guess I can't complain TOO much because it gets 10MPG like this, or completely slick...
  3. RiverCityDave

    Looking for low top camp/hiking shoes/boots

    I used to wear Merrils for this sort of thing, I bought several pair, but I have noticed the reduced quality as well. When my current pair cashes it in, Im at a loss as to what I will replace them with. SUperfeet insoles are the greatest thing since sliced bread. I have been in the Infantry for...
  4. RiverCityDave

    Buying a UZJ100 with 160k, am I crazy?

    I've decided to do most of my commuting on my bicycle now, so fuel mileage isnt the issue it was, but I am probably still going to buy a nice 100 series, and probably a 470, just for the nicer trim and sound deadening etc. I bought my 80 in Utah, and I was blown away by the difference in...
  5. RiverCityDave

    Beyond Clothing LLC

    I couldnt agree with you more man, I have been in almost 18 years,a nd by far the VERY best thing I've ever gotten in the Army is my 7 layer gear. I was over there last year and I was honestly comfortable most of the time, even in gnarly weather. I cant say enough, it is super well thought out.
  6. RiverCityDave

    Official "My name is..." "And I ride..."

    Just a little note, December 23rd, some jack**** stole my Ziggurat off my rack, right in front of my house. Lock your stuff folks, with big ugly heavy chains. And always have ammunition ready.
  7. RiverCityDave

    Big Bend, Thanksgiving week 2010

    You know that quiet is one of the things I love and value the most about remote travel, especially somewhere like Big Bend. Have you ever tried to get away from highway noise specifically? It is so rare to truly not be able to hear the sound of tires on the highway. It is the most pervasive...
  8. RiverCityDave

    The lighter side of owning a Rover

    First, Nice truck. Im in the middle of alove hate relationship with Range Rover in general, but I do like a good classic when I see it, I missed buying one the same color by literally just a few minutes, 3 years ago. I get a lot of attention in both my off road trucks, I would say more in the...
  9. RiverCityDave

    Self Portraits?

    Hehe, no certainly the timer counts...
  10. RiverCityDave

    Self Portraits?

    You know, I see a trend here, so just for the record, it isnt really a "SELF portrait" if someone else takes it. In any case- Nawur District, Ghazni Province Afghanistan.
  11. RiverCityDave

    What did you do to or where did you ride your mtn. bike today?

    I havent been anywhere cool or exotic lately, family obligations and injuries have been keeping me strapped down but Walnut Creek is usually satisfying in a pinch.
  12. RiverCityDave

    Post your tents

    Tents I have several, but two get most of the use. We have four kids so when the family expedition sets off, we need a big base camp, when the wife is along, its rarely very extreme, so this big Eureka (not very well made honestly, but huge, and has stood up to a lot of kids banging in and out...
  13. RiverCityDave

    Us&s m1911 a1

    I like me some 1911 as well. I have three. But, Im generally NOT a fan of anything the Army has decided is a good sidearm. Military quality has not been a good thing since Korea. My 92F I carried last year in the Stan would stove pipe at the slightest amount of movement, and the slide rattled...
  14. RiverCityDave

    Oyaji's 87 FJ60

    That thing is STUNNING. I love it.
  15. RiverCityDave

    Land Cruiser Photos

    100s being used properly are so sweet...
  16. RiverCityDave

    Did I Find The Holy Grail Of The 80 Series ?

    Yeah I was kinda worse case scenario ing. I agree though, they usually do release.
  17. RiverCityDave

    Big Bend National Park: A week in the wilderness

    This looks like Afghanistan...
  18. RiverCityDave

    Post pictures of your Land Rover.

    Are you at Benning? RTB or Reg?
  19. RiverCityDave

    Did I Find The Holy Grail Of The 80 Series ?

    I bought mine a few months ago and it was worth every penny, if youre looking to make financial sense of it though, stop right now. It wont work out, hell a good baseline as stated above will blow your financial budget. The prices vary DRAMATICALLY depending on where you are buying them, when I...
  20. RiverCityDave

    Land Cruiser Photos

    Nice truck, I would build exactly the same 60 if I had the time. Something about an older Cruiser at the beach that is just right.