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  1. MattF350

    Hard Bed Covers

    If you got some money to blow, theres the Diamondback HD.
  2. MattF350

    Quadrasteer Worked So Great for Chevy, Right? Now Maybe It’s the F250’s Turn

    Id even go as far to say Lariat and up. Never an issue parking/maneuvering my CCLB F350 in city. Ill take a hard pass on the 4WS.
  3. MattF350

    Favorite Multi-tool

    I have a handful of different leathermans. comes in handy at my job. Fixes easy stuff without getting out the whole toolbox. Usually pliers or screwdriver is sufficient enough. Surge is my favorite though. heavy duty and so many uses.
  4. MattF350

    The Grand Terrainer: 2017+ Ford F-250 and SpaceKap Diablo 8'

    Now that looks nifty. How much do they go for?
  5. MattF350

    Four Wheel Camper ‘Project M’

    It looks pretty cool and you can pick what you want. Having an 8' bed, even the Granby shell is $12k is pretty pricey. Probably not for me though.
  6. MattF350

    Anyone know about Port-Lite campers

    I gotta say, I am quite impressed by some of the 1/2 ton truck builds. They definitely work with what they have. I just like my F350 so I dont have too many restrictions and plenty of space (8ft bed) to work with.
  7. MattF350

    Entrenching Tool

    Ive been considering one to go with my recovery gear (aimed at winter) but not sure which are good/not good. What do you guys carry? There's ones like the Cold Steel with hardwood non folding and plenty of different folders. Im not opposed to either, but would like one to work when needed...
  8. MattF350

    Not Really a Build, But: 2015 F-150

    Beautiful. I wish I had XLT. too much stuff breaking in my Lariat 350. Nice color, though.
  9. MattF350

    Need help on picking a 3/4 ton

    for slide in, Id go f350 minimum. Preferably gas. Foor extra cargo load. My 2011 F350 CCLB has a CCC of 3601. Fiinding one, even an f250 for $15k or less may be a stretch. It may be a bit older.
  10. MattF350

    2019 Ford Ranger Payload?

    Thats literally the only way to do it.
  11. MattF350

    Check this cube-shaped triple slide-out camping trailer

    From birds eye, looks very vulgar. cool concept, though.
  12. MattF350

    Is the Tacoma enough truck?

    Having owned a Dakota and an F350..dakota has only 2 advantages. 1. Can park anywhere 2. has half decent mpg pretty much everything else, my F350 does better. I love my long bed. Ill never go smaller. The crew cab has ridiculous amount of room. Both of my trucks have been crew cab and the...
  13. MattF350

    New here (to trailer community)! Aspiring to start a trailer build this Summer..

    Welcome Kris. Nice ride you got. Cant wait to see what you build.
  14. MattF350

    OVRLND camper topper

    No monetary issue here. Im from the government and Im here to help :D
  15. MattF350

    OVRLND camper topper

    If it can be available for 8ft bed, Id be interested. 2 birds 1 stone for me.
  16. MattF350

    Bigfoot 3000 on a single rear wheel F350

    That's definitely dually weight. Not sure how much payload XL regular cab F350s but mine is around 3600 and I have a lariat crew cab. Thats a good amount of weight so best to go with dually.
  17. MattF350

    now this interesting, Lifetime Products 55 QUART HIGH PERFORMANCE COOLER

    I may have to look into these. As you can see, I have a 150qt cooler in my bed (avatar) but its just the plain jane cooler. Not as good as some of these but needed a drink holder for my wedding.
  18. MattF350

    1998 ranger build

    Nice thread! Ill be watching it. You know how hard it is to find a used bronze colored cap :D
  19. MattF350

    Putt Step Van Build

    Hi Putts :cool::cool: Still looking good!