Search results

  1. Wes Craiglow

    Project Hundy Build Thread - 2000 UZJ100 Land Cruiser

    Ahh, I get it. :cool: Thanks for the info.
  2. Wes Craiglow

    Project Hundy Build Thread - 2000 UZJ100 Land Cruiser

    I'm sure I'm late to the game, so please forgive me for not reading through all of the posts. As an owner of a well-built Hundy myself –*470, actually – what is the benefit of the bars going from the bumper to the sliders? Is that something I should invest in? Any info would be...
  3. Wes Craiglow

    10 Day Family Road Trip “I can’t believe it’s not overlanding!"

    What a killer travelogue. Thanks for sharing. Miss it out there, for sure.
  4. Wes Craiglow

    Announcing the CO Dispatch Newsletter!

    Pardon the bump on a tired ol' thread, ladies and gentlemen. (And I use the latter loosely.) If you haven't subscribed to The CO Dispatch yet, you're about to miss the June wrap-up and a glance at the July forecast, which will include feature stories by several new contributors as well as...
  5. Wes Craiglow

    Seventeen By Six - On the road from Mexico to Argentina

    Ha! No hard feelings! Just playin'. Life is good. Still traveling when we can and still planning a big trip when the work back home is done and the kiddo heads off for college. CO is still plugging along, albeit a bit slower these days. Lots of other interests and commitments to which we...
  6. Wes Craiglow

    Seventeen By Six - On the road from Mexico to Argentina

    Jeremy and Paula! We we neighbors way back in San Cristóbal de las Casas for New Years 2012. Emily and I have kept up with your travels via your blog site and have thoroughly enjoyed your ups and downs. Glad to know you're still leaning forward into the adventure. So happy to see that you...
  7. Wes Craiglow

    Democratic Republic of Congo: Lubumbashi to Kinshasa

    Hopefully he's busy writing a book. Sent from Tapatalk.
  8. Wes Craiglow

    Maya Rally Questions (But Maybe Not Answers)

  9. Wes Craiglow

    Maya Rally Questions (But Maybe Not Answers)

    Active Duty pax have current travel restrictions in Mexico. Only Guard and Reserves are able to travel down there, and it must be during non-duty periods. (I just did in full knowledge of my battalion commander.) For AD: your command (at some level, likely O-5 or above) has the ability to...
  10. Wes Craiglow

    Who would be interested in a 2012 "End of the World" Maya Rally?

    More crowdsourcing here, gang. Thanks for the help! If you could ask one question of each registering Maya Rally team member, what would it be?
  11. Wes Craiglow

    "Skinny" Tires...

    Worry not, Joel. Long-time skinny tire guy here. Never a problem on the highway or trail. Good luck with your choice, whatever it ends up being!
  12. Wes Craiglow

    Announcing the CO Dispatch Newsletter!

    Thanks, fellas! It's been fun! Sent from Tapatalk.
  13. Wes Craiglow

    Announcing the CO Dispatch Newsletter!

    The premier edition of the CO Dispatch is out the door to 485 recipients. if you haven't seen it by tomorrow afternoon, be sure to check your inbox and make sure that "" is a Safe Sender. (It only sends 75 per hour so as not to overload our server, so give it...
  14. Wes Craiglow

    Announcing the CO Dispatch Newsletter!

    Thanks so much! :sombrero:
  15. Wes Craiglow

    Announcing the CO Dispatch Newsletter!

    News and Info for Those on the Road Less Traveled As many of you have noticed lately, there is a lot going on over at Central Overland. We had an amazing period of growth through 2010/11, and we're responding by doing all we can to bring you even more in 2012. More events and more featured...
  16. Wes Craiglow

    Team Equipt's "Central America Expedition"

    Barton Creek! Absolutely love it down there. That's the best countryside that Belize has to offer, in my opinion. Thanks for posting, Dave, and welcome to ExPo!
  17. Wes Craiglow

    Team Equipt's "Central America Expedition"

    Amazing. Sort of happy now that we didn't try this last month. (dgurley2000 might disagree.) Major props, brother.
  18. Wes Craiglow

    Maya Rally Questions (But Maybe Not Answers)

    I am building the website for the event, and I'm needing some help writing the FAQ section. So, I'm going to crowdsource the content. (Which for a real FAQ section, is probably how it should go, anyway. ;) ) I can't promise that I'll answer them all, as many things I either don't know, or for...
  19. Wes Craiglow

    Who would be interested in a 2012 "End of the World" Maya Rally?

    My take on the HAM issue down south: When's the last time you were pulled over by a local, county, or state cop and when he/she saw your hand mic, were asked to show your FCC license? I would venture a guess never. That's because a huge number of cops have no clue--just like the vast majority...