Search results

  1. Wes Craiglow

    Cuba- Portrait of A People Because they're a communist socialist government, and therefore not worthy of our commercial spending. After all, if you stayed in a Hilton there, then that tax revenue would go towards buying health care for millions of their...
  2. Wes Craiglow

    "Safety" Thimble...yea right

    Awww, dang! I didn't even notice your business. Grrr! Yeah, I wish you were closer and I'd take you up on your offer. In addition, this would make a great Trailside Training event for one of our Central Overland trips. Gonna be down here anytime? I'd love to have you put on a basic class...
  3. Wes Craiglow

    "Safety" Thimble...yea right

    All makes sense, and I intend to keep the current thimble in there when I add the hook. It's just that the hook anchor show above in yellow has a smaller pin which will fit the bent-out-of-shape thimble; the shackle pin really doesn't anymore. And I get what you mean about loosening IOT fit...
  4. Wes Craiglow

    "Safety" Thimble...yea right

    Which mfg did you choose, Rob? I'm ready to make a purchase. I have this currently, which came with my Amsteel Blue: During a particularly hard pull while on the Thanksgiving trip, it stretched out, narrowing it across its length. Now my shackle pin won't fit through it. I have banged it...
  5. Wes Craiglow

    RSB's Radiant Red Tacoma build

    Congrats, Ryan! ;) Ready for some good times with many new friends. Glad you're aboard, bud.
  6. Wes Craiglow

    Ozark Mtns, Nov 2010: "100 Meters at a Time"

    Betcha didn't know that Arkansas had elk!
  7. Wes Craiglow

    RSB's Radiant Red Tacoma build

    Sick sick sick. Man, you never quit. Can't wait to see/hear it all in action!
  8. Wes Craiglow

    Overland Journal Hires Marketing and PR Director

    Amazing! Congrats, Ray, and everyone at OJ. Thanks for all you do in building our community!
  9. Wes Craiglow

    Ozark Mtns, Nov 2010: "100 Meters at a Time"

    Don't be down, bro. We can put you to play on myriad other trials around here, any one of can bend, break, scratch, and dent your LR 'til your heart's content! :D Saty tuned for upcoming trips!
  10. Wes Craiglow

    Ozark Mtns, Nov 2010: "100 Meters at a Time"

    Stay tuned for how and when! Info coming for future trips. :wings:
  11. Wes Craiglow

    Ozark Mtns, Nov 2010: "100 Meters at a Time"

    Just to clarify about the cutting of trees... This particular trail was the tightest I've ever been on to begin with, and demanded that we do some "maintenance pruning" of branches and small saplings along the way to prevent passing vehicles from being damaged and bypasses from being...
  12. Wes Craiglow

    Expedition Portal and The Africa Overland Network present the Overland Live Series.

    Excellent presentation, Christian. Thanks for hosting this. Can't wait for the next in the series! One comment: Is it possible in the future to have guests hold all questions until the end? It seems that Frederik and Josephine were getting a bit bogged down by all the questions. That would...
  13. Wes Craiglow

    Big Bend, Thanksgiving week 2010

    Subscribed! (And next time you're passing through Ark, let me know... A few of us were up in the Ozarks playing when you came through!)
  14. Wes Craiglow

    Travels with Hadley

    Subscribed! (And thinking that I should become a traveling photog.)
  15. Wes Craiglow

    Apache National Forest

    Great trip report, and great pics. Thanks for sharing. And I really like your retrospective on the trip; sort of a "lessons learned" corner. (Especially about keeping the wife happy! One to remember for sure! :D) I think I might begin making notes like this about trips I take... in the Army...
  16. Wes Craiglow

    Show us your Toyota 4runner, tacoma or truck.

    Sick, sick, sick, sick sick sick sick sick sick Jealous. Did I mention you suck for posting this?
  17. Wes Craiglow

    Ozark Mtns, Nov 2010: "100 Meters at a Time"

    Bring it! We need a trip historian on these things!
  18. Wes Craiglow

    Ozark Mtns, Nov 2010: "100 Meters at a Time"

    Final Vid From Me Ryan taking a dunking. This will become a significant obstacle during spring high water. Bring a towel! FYI: this gravel bar will be a large group campsite during that trip.
  19. Wes Craiglow

    Ozark Mtns, Nov 2010: "100 Meters at a Time"

    Another Vid Leary showing off just how skinny his truck is.
  20. Wes Craiglow

    Ozark Mtns, Nov 2010: "100 Meters at a Time"

    Vids RSB and his killer Taco in shallow water. This crossing will be sketchy--maybe impassable--come April. :snorkel: Leary cruising (or should I say 4Runner-ing) up the ravine that nearing tossed my truck on its passenger side. As far as Saturday went, this could be considered on of...