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  1. Wes Craiglow

    Almost a HAM.... Maybe.

    Tech test tomorrow. I'm pretty nervous. **puke** Wish me luck.
  2. Wes Craiglow

    4 days and 200 miles of Utah Trail

    I've been putting off this trip for way too long. I must break from my other distractions and just steer the truck that way. Amazing. Thanks for sharing. Glad you all made it in/out safely.
  3. Wes Craiglow

    Moab/Canyon Lands spring 2010 with plan B's

    What an amazing and gorgeous place! I am most excited to see you traveling solo... the only way to go on many trips, and how I plan on seeing the slickrock for the first time. There's something about being alone in places that vast which can really make one feel connected to the place. Thanks...
  4. Wes Craiglow

    Another South Eastern Oklahoma Adventure

    Awesome, guys! Wish I could've been there, too. Those sunrise pics at the fir tower where amazing. I gotta crash a night up there next time I'm over that way. And kudos for turning new folks to the overlanding experience. I have no doubts that they were in expert hands. **thumbs up**
  5. Wes Craiglow

    I Hate Gates- The scouting trip from Hades.

    x3 long as some Monterrey is included! (Scott...)
  6. Wes Craiglow

    I Hate Gates- The scouting trip from Hades.

    No prob! Glad it's working out for you... the thing has been around the world several times, shot at, blown up, and rescued from a burning RG-31. That damn Garmin has some stories to tell. I already miss it.
  7. Wes Craiglow

    I Hate Gates- The scouting trip from Hades.

    Stupid question: did the gates have locks on them? I read once something to the effect of: Texas is a Free-Range state with regards to livestock. As a part of this, it is lawful for ranchers to place gates on county (Farm-to-Town) roads, as long as they don't willfully impede emergency...
  8. Wes Craiglow

    At what point do you move from the cooler to a fridge?

    "At what point do you move from the cooler to a fridge?" Today. You won't regret it.
  9. Wes Craiglow

    I Hate Gates- The scouting trip from Hades.

    So I hate to spoil the glory with a pointed question, but... Do we have the connection from the Clayton area over to PDC? :confused: .gpx or .kml files, please? (For what it's worth, I'll be connecting north from my end into MO Ozarks very soon.)
  10. Wes Craiglow

    I Hate Gates- The scouting trip from Hades.

    Awesome! Great write-up. Wish I had been there! Soon enough.... ps. The story of how you guys helped the accident victims was heartwrenching and heartwarming altogether. Excellent indication of the value and spirit of overlanders. Well done. Proud to call you all friends.
  11. Wes Craiglow

    I Hate Gates- The scouting trip from Hades.

    Clearly, I am out of uniform for these trips. **Note to self: Go to REI. Get zip-off cargo pants.**
  12. Wes Craiglow

    Help Tread Lightly decide where to train

    Seriously, J... South Central US. If you are looking for class attendees to stay within an easy one-day drive, then Hot Springs, AR would cover everything from OKC east across the Ozarks, down to Nashville and Jackson, and from Baton Rouge to DFW. Plus, Hot Springs offers you both the...
  13. Wes Craiglow

    '04 DC Suspension Advice

    I went with All-Pro here. No worries. Easy install and they did the job great. Recommended.
  14. Wes Craiglow

    Show us your Toyota 4runner, tacoma or truck.

    GREAT weekend, Ryan. Epic! (And a great truck, too!) Wish you were coming out tomorrow!!!! See you next time, bro.
  15. Wes Craiglow

    Ouachita Natty Forest, Apr 17, 2010

    Now I AM the one sorry for the late reply. Finals over the last two weeks and school has pretty much sucked me in... I know Mike's feeling my pain! :violent-smiley-031: I headed north at Hatfield only b/c I was headed back home by that point. By no means will we need to do that, seeing as...
  16. Wes Craiglow

    Back on the road - 2 Weeks in the American South

    I'll be stuck at the office Tues/Wed. Bummer. Wish I could make it out, though! The HWY 7 corridor out of HS is wonderful. There are tons of unpaved forest service roads which will parallel it north towards Russellville. The Albert Pike area is arguably some of the best the Ouachitas have...
  17. Wes Craiglow

    Back on the road - 2 Weeks in the American South

    What's the plan for Arkansas and rough time-frame? Been here all my life and I'd be happy to show you some of my secrets if the timing works and you desire. Let me know! :D
  18. Wes Craiglow

    Ouachita Natty Forest, Apr 17, 2010

    Ouachita Natty Forest, Apr 17, 2010 (cont.) Once I got west of Albert Pike, things got very cool. Working on a tip from a local, I dove into the trails of Wolf Pen Gap. Most of this area is open to ATVs only, but several of the major trails which transect the area are open to trucks, too...
  19. Wes Craiglow

    Ouachita Natty Forest, Apr 17, 2010

    So we're putting together another group run. If you haven't heard about it yet, drop by here and check out the details. True to form for an Army officer, I wouldn't think of leading a group into the woods without a recon. Here's that story. Enjoy. Route From Hot Springs National Park...