Search results

  1. Wes Craiglow

    Cheap Fridge <$400 shipped

    I second this motion. I used to have some minor power trouble with my EdgeStar while on 12v, usually resulting in constant cycling and the inability to freeze. I thought I had a dud, too. At the time I was using the factory cig plug. About 8 mos ago, I rewired everything, giving the fridge...
  2. Wes Craiglow

    My new defender 110!!!

    I particularly love the monochromatic paint job on the snorkel and rooftop driving lamps.
  3. Wes Craiglow

    2m/440 pelican go kit

    Love it. And now I'm thinking about a business.... I wonder what 1st responders, SARs, and other HAMs would pay for a turn-key emergency-response package such as this... I bet there's a market for it.
  4. Wes Craiglow

    FS: 5 Treadright 265x75x16 M/Ts

    Don't need 'em (yet), but I"ll go ahead and give a positive plug for my TWs. I have the Wardens (BFG AT) pattern and love them. A little challenging to balance, but worth the trouble to get such a great tire for such a great price. Thumbs up. Good luck on the sale.
  5. Wes Craiglow

    Cheap Fridge <$400 shipped

    I chose Accurides from here: Just pick the one that suits your needs. I went with a 24" for my fridge and a 36" for my deep storage drawer next to it, both in a heavy-duty, I think in a 150lb-ish or more capacity. (Sorry, but I forget the exact model...
  6. Wes Craiglow

    First Detailed National Map of Land-Cover Released

    The most detailed national vegetation U.S. land-cover map to date was released today by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). "These data are critical for determining the status of biodiversity, as baseline data for assessing climate change impacts, and for predicting the availability of habitat...
  7. Wes Craiglow

    Cheap Fridge <$400 shipped

    Recommend building your own. I did for only about 50 bucks, and I couldn't been happier. Just picked up a 24" heavy-duty (150lbs) file drawer slide. Made the mount out of wood. Problem solved.
  8. Wes Craiglow

    01 Taco PS Reservoir "Screen/Filter" Cleaning: Help?

    Yep, exactly where my better sense has me leaning. Thx.
  9. Wes Craiglow

    Baja Medical Emergency, Hooked in to Help

    Excellent story. Well done to you and your "team." Speaking from my experience on the streets of Baghdad, events such as these can have a positive effect on international relations for an entire segment of the population for a generation or more. In my line of work we call it COIN; down in...
  10. Wes Craiglow

    01 Taco PS Reservoir "Screen/Filter" Cleaning: Help?

    Doesn't matter anyway, as there's not enough length in the line to place a filter. The resi pretty much drops right on top of the pump. :( Thanks for the input, though!
  11. Wes Craiglow

    01 Taco PS Reservoir "Screen/Filter" Cleaning: Help?

    Great idea, and one which I shared with my mech. When he tried this once before, the pressure tore the screen. Apparently that screen is quite fragile. I'm not opposed to trying it, though, just with very slight pressure. Thanks!
  12. Wes Craiglow

    01 Taco PS Reservoir "Screen/Filter" Cleaning: Help?

    **BUMP** (Leaving on a 4000 mile road trip next week, and need to get something done on this... Sorry to be pushy with the bump, but I could really use some advice from the more mechanically-experienced of you. Thanks!)
  13. Wes Craiglow

    01 Taco PS Reservoir "Screen/Filter" Cleaning: Help?

    Due to an increasingly-loud whine, I ran my Taco by my trusted mechanic to have a new PS pump tossed on it this morning. He tells me it's not the pump, but the reservoir. Says there's a little fine mesh screen near the delivery line which is designed to filter out sludge, etc, and that over...
  14. Wes Craiglow

    Posers with Roof Boxen

    HILLLL-arious! Regan is great. Good find.
  15. Wes Craiglow

    OME Springs

    **HIJACK ON** Since we're on it... Wil does have exceptional customer service. I was having a prob with the Nat Luna battery monitor that I bought from him (nothing major, I just inadvertently ordered the wrong one and was having fitment and operational issues). I was up against a deadline...
  16. Wes Craiglow

    OME Springs

    I second everything Tim's said. As a matter of fact, it was after chatting with him that I decided to pull the trigger on my AALs. I put them on last weekend and the difference was DRAMATIC... both in ride height, spring arch, and ride quality (stiffer, but more "secure" feeling; less squish...
  17. Wes Craiglow

    Hello Miss FJ62. Flaco's dream.

    Wow. I want. I'm kind of sad for me... BUT STOKED FOR YOU! Congrats, buddy. Can't wait to see this thing out on the road this fall.
  18. Wes Craiglow

    Anyone know this rig?

    I second. (But just a guess, honestly.)
  19. Wes Craiglow

    Australia bottom to top.. and back again!

    Check out the Aussie version of eBay... then type in FJ45. (They're there by the gangload.) My plan? Buy one. Fly in and drive it around for a month or two. Ship it home. Anyone wanna join me? (BTW, Miller: amazing story with amazing pics! Just last week I was mapping out a route...
  20. Wes Craiglow

    Almost a HAM.... Maybe.

    NAILED IT! 33/35, and I didn't even cheat! :victory: Should have my callsign by week's end. See y'all on the net!! Thanks for the encouraging words, everyone.