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  1. Wes Craiglow

    (More) Ouachita Natty Forest, Feb 13/14, 2010

    And the teethbrush is used everywhere else, right? (Been here all my life, bro. Heard 'em all. ;) )
  2. Wes Craiglow

    (More) Ouachita Natty Forest, Feb 13/14, 2010

    They are all mine, but I owe each one--especially the Bronze Star--to the men which serve alongside me. They're why I do it, and from where I draw my strength. And thank you; you and your dad and bro. (Even if they disagree on who's better! :D) Oh, and personally, I think I'm missing one...
  3. Wes Craiglow

    RSB's Radiant Red Tacoma build

    ATTENTION, RYAN: IT APPEARS AS IF THE DETAIL SHOP GOT AHOLD OF YOUR TRUCK AGAIN!!! (Sneaky guys, they are. Get ya when you least expect it.) In order to prevent us from going blind from glare, we'll need you to rush back to AR and dunk your truck into another 4' deep mud hole as quickly as...
  4. Wes Craiglow

    Buffalo National River (Erbie Area) Arkansas

    Good to know that Erbie was okay. That gives me some confidence moving into this weekend. I just hope Sat's rain isn't too heavy. We have plenty of water to cross. Check here for the details. Hope to see you out!
  5. Wes Craiglow

    Buffalo National River (Erbie Area) Arkansas

    Oh, and I'm curious: did you cross the Buffalo at the Erbie low-water bridge? I see where you made Cove Creek, but I'm curious how crossable the Buff looked after last week's 1.5" of rain and the previous week's snow. Thanks!
  6. Wes Craiglow

    Buffalo National River (Erbie Area) Arkansas

    Been there recently, and close again this coming weekend! Great spot, for sure! Did you say you're coming up for the group run? Sorry, I've started losing track of everyone.
  7. Wes Craiglow

    Cheap Fridge <$400 shipped

    x2 Soggy sandwiches work every time... That's how I justified mine! :)
  8. Wes Craiglow

    Show us your Toyota 4runner, tacoma or truck.

    I love how secured that small cooler is in the bed. Way to pay attention to detail, Timmer!
  9. Wes Craiglow

    03 tacoma front end parts

    You take PayPal? I'll take a CV axle, if so.
  10. Wes Craiglow

    Ordered my Shrockworks front bumper!!

    Jim & the crew do a wonderful job. He even opened the shop on a Saturday to do the install for me while I was in Houston for the day. Exceptional product and service. As for the wait? I ordered in late June '09, and it was ready by late October. But honestly, I would have waited twice that...
  11. Wes Craiglow

    Cheap Fridge <$400 shipped

    Built my own drawer/slider for very cheap: (This is my storage drawer, but the fridge drawer was built the same, just dimensioned for the fridge. It's very stout, made of 3/4" ply floor deck-screwed to 1x3" sides, and reinforced with the steel brackets. Make sure to not build the sides too...
  12. Wes Craiglow

    Another Kiamichi Trail run, 2/19-2/21

    No prob with a few new backcountry pinstripes. MAtter of fact, Mike's got me wondering if my ole Arlo could cover the Rubicon. I might like him more with some "story marks." ... it's one of them things that helps my truck look legit. AIN'T SKEERED. Oh, and I'm prolly no good 'til fall...
  13. Wes Craiglow

    Another Kiamichi Trail run, 2/19-2/21

    You should know better than to ask me--I'm always ready! Someone bone-up and do the leg work to plan and date the thing, and I'll bring spare trash bags. I may even be able to score a trailer for hauling out the garbage. Y'all thinking a long weekend this fall, or what? Note: I usually do...
  14. Wes Craiglow

    Edgestar Fridge Owners

    I had this prob early on, too. Mine seems to stay at about 4-5 degrees colder than what the gauge says. I confirmed this with my Engel wireless. I keep it set at "38" now and haven't had any probs.
  15. Wes Craiglow

    Self Portraits?

    Hmmm, I always assumed you were old. Ya know, the "Mr." and all that. :D On another note, I'm gonna PM and pick your brain soon about your Tundra brake swap. Keep yer ears open.
  16. Wes Craiglow

    RSB's Radiant Red Tacoma build

    You planning on a trip to 'del Fuego sometime soon? You're truly prepared for anything. I mean, :Wow1:. I hope you actually get to put all that goodness to use!
  17. Wes Craiglow

    Edgestar Fridge Owners

    Ditto. Mine clamps very tightly. Sounds like the QAQC guy from EdgeStar was on break when that one came off the line. However, based on my own remarkable experience, I'd be willing to betcha that their customer service dept will make it right in no time. Sorry you got the short end. Good luck.
  18. Wes Craiglow

    (More) Ouachita Natty Forest, Feb 13/14, 2010

    You need to bring it, bro. Briiiiiiiing it.
  19. Wes Craiglow

    6string's '01 Taco Build

    HA! Hilarious! I almost mistook a couple of those pics for my truck. Well done!