Search results

  1. Wes Craiglow

    Horrible Freight?...Nice Jack!

    They're communist. I'm guessing those services are either taken care of by the "people," or simply not taken care of. Hunch tells me it's the latter of the two. Communism has proven itself a failing model time and time again.
  2. Wes Craiglow

    6string's '01 Taco Build

    I work at City Hall, so if you buzz along Oak St. through downtown, you'll see it parked in the gravel by the R/R tracks M-F... Small world, brother. We gotta get out and explore sometime! Check here to follow my goings-on. I get out a lot of weekends! Gimme a shout anytime.
  3. Wes Craiglow

    3.4L reliability

    Best of luck to ya, Eric. You owe us plenty of pics if the deal goes through. I've come to find out that's all these guys live for anyway... truck porn.
  4. Wes Craiglow

    3.4L reliability

    I just clicked 160k miles. Runnin' like a champ, and have no worries about another 160. I do take very good care of my truck, though. When you're looking at a used truck, don't shop for vehicles... shop for owners. As for the 3.4? Amazing. A legend in its own time.
  5. Wes Craiglow

    Self Portraits?

    Thanks, brother. We actually got home last summer, and we ALL got home... Which, considering that we spent a year looking for IEDs in Baghdad, that amount of Blessing was a pretty big deal! :victory: We certainly appreciate your support, though. It's only a matter of time before we get the...
  6. Wes Craiglow

    Re-tread tires

    Super good to know. Thanks! I have never really considered using them until now. These new TWs just take so much weight. If they wear unevenly, I may make the change. Small price to pay when you're saving so much on tires. Thanks again.
  7. Wes Craiglow

    Re-tread tires

    Bump for an update to my review after a weekend in the woods.
  8. Wes Craiglow

    (More) Ouachita Natty Forest, Feb 13/14, 2010

    (More) Ouachita Natty Forest, Feb 13/14, 2010 (cont.) Cool old (and some newer) bits of the area's history here and there... Wildlife was out and about. Saw lots of deer and turkey. Then the snow really started falling... And within an hour, things were starting to get pretty...
  9. Wes Craiglow

    (More) Ouachita Natty Forest, Feb 13/14, 2010

    (More) Ouachita Natty Forest, Feb 13/14, 2010 (cont.) And if it wasn't the trees being down, it was the gates in the way! These things are everywhere down here in the Ouachitas. I think it's all for the big leases of the Weyerhaeuser paper company tree farms. But I learned a little...
  10. Wes Craiglow

    (More) Ouachita Natty Forest, Feb 13/14, 2010

    (More) Ouachita Natty Forest, Feb 13/14, 2010 (cont.) The day was pretty much all about route denial, which kept me totally frustrated most of the time. :mad: First, it was the trees: See, this part of the country doesn't get a lot of snow; it gets ice. When 1/2" of ice builds up on trees...
  11. Wes Craiglow

    (More) Ouachita Natty Forest, Feb 13/14, 2010

    Still needing to recon the southern sections of the trail for the group run, I set off out of Hot Springs late Saturday and headed north, hoping to make Plainview via USFS roads by mid-afternoon on Sunday. Today's Route I grabbed a quick night's rest at Lake Ouachita State Park. I...
  12. Wes Craiglow

    Cheap Fridge <$400 shipped

    Just finished packing the truck for a trip out, and I'm walking out the door in about 10 mins. I'll grab you some pick asap when I return. Sorry, bro!
  13. Wes Craiglow

    Self Portraits?

    Love sandstorms. Post-patrol at the clearing barrels, up on Dash10's hood. (Damn, I miss my truck.) And, a lil' fun with the iCam...
  14. Wes Craiglow

    Cheap Fridge <$400 shipped

    The 2-pronged end that plugs into the fridge. While it was plugged in on a trip, my toolbox fell on it and snapped it right in half. That left one half of the plastic 2-pronged part still attached to the wire, and the other half stuck in the fridge port itself. I had to dig it out with a...
  15. Wes Craiglow

    Factory Steel/Spare Wheels

    All over for less than half that price: Dealers suck. (My experience.)
  16. Wes Craiglow

    Wireless Winch Controller

  17. Wes Craiglow

    6string's '01 Taco Build

    I did! Actually did it back in August, and the results were AMAZING! Should've done the susp long ago... Oddly, I haven't posted anything about it, though, b/c I didn't take many pics of the install. Maybe I'll crack a beer tonight, snap some pics under the rig, and do quick a write-up on...
  18. Wes Craiglow

    Re-tread tires

    How do you like them? Worth the coin?
  19. Wes Craiglow

    6string's '01 Taco Build

    Milestone! And still going like it was half that age! :D
  20. Wes Craiglow

    FS: Overland Journal Magazines

    Great! Make sure to get by here and drop a note that you're a Feb subscriber!