Search results

  1. Wes Craiglow

    Yet another adventure...White Mtns, AZ 01/30-01/31

    Wonderful story, and a beautiful couple of days out and about! Thank you for sharing. I think that sometimes, the best routes end up being the ones that you had decide up as you go along due to unforeseen circumstances. It certainly makes things more exciting--albeit sometimes frustrating...
  2. Wes Craiglow

    Snow in Arkansas! 1/29-31/2010

    Rob-- Not going to ask anyone to cross anything crazy. I have checked everything already and nothing's been more than 2', low current, and river rock bed. I have flow data from the USGS from those recon days. In the days prior to the trip, I'll check the flow rates online, and if it's higher...
  3. Wes Craiglow

    Snow in Arkansas! 1/29-31/2010

    This one went much better. Wider, but only about 18-24" deep with very little current. Smooth sailing. Pushing up and out to the south and west toward Lurton. Atop Richland Valley and headed toward Hwy 7. Got back to Little Rock late Sunday, just in time for sunset of the Ark River...
  4. Wes Craiglow

    Snow in Arkansas! 1/29-31/2010

    ...finally into the stunning Richland Valley, post-detour. First tracks. Score! This was intended to be the second to last crossing for the spring group run. Very doable in summer, but this morning it was at headlight depth and still going deeper. Once my front tires disappeared, I...
  5. Wes Craiglow

    Snow in Arkansas! 1/29-31/2010

    ...which gave us a chance to see some cool old settlement areas around Witts Springs and Snowball... This area was settled by Europeans in the 1850s and known as Point Peter. It was the first post office in Searcy County, AR. It served a a mining area for saltpeter, used...
  6. Wes Craiglow

    Snow in Arkansas! 1/29-31/2010

    The minor discomfort of camping in the cold offered us big rewards back on the trail... peace, quiet, and immeasurable beauty: Major ice storm came through here last year. Evidence was everywhere. Our landslide detour took us back to the highway for a minute...
  7. Wes Craiglow

    YOUR videos of YOUR Completed Adventures & Events

    Oh, I'm all over this!! Gimme a day or two.... I'll be back!
  8. Wes Craiglow

    Snow in Arkansas! 1/29-31/2010

    Approaching the southernmost slide site. (FYI: That bluff didn't exist 6 months ago.) "OH, NO! End of the road... Where do we go now?!" The slide site. (Through the mess you can see the flat area to the left where the road exists on the other side. Gonna take a big dozer...) It's cool...
  9. Wes Craiglow

    Snow in Arkansas! 1/29-31/2010

    This area, although either part of the National Park or National Forest systems now, was settled by "hillbillies" back in the early 1800s. The folks, most of whom had their ancestry in Scotch-Irish lineage, stayed here for several generations before being bought out by the federal gov't during...
  10. Wes Craiglow

    Snow in Arkansas! 1/29-31/2010

    Okay, so here we go with the update. If you'll remember, this was not simply an excuse to get out and play in the snow, but it served as "Recon#3" for the upcoming ExPo Central Region member run. Buckle up. It was a great weekend in the snowy Ozarks, and we took LOTS of pictures...
  11. Wes Craiglow

    Mexico Weekend: Jan 2010

    Sweet. Just when I thought your truck couldn't get much cooler, you turn it into a discotheque. Where's the mirrorball? Seriously, great trip report. Glad y'all had fun and stayed safe... When I took my daughter into Central America last year, friends and family thought I was crazy...
  12. Wes Craiglow

    Overland Journal Launches New Website

    Gorgeous. Absolutely. Thanks for all your hard work each of you.
  13. Wes Craiglow

    Snow in Arkansas! 1/29-31/2010

    So I made a quick run today because it snowed enough to actually cover the ground. (Around here, that's a pretty big deal.) Really just a teaser for me, though, as tomorrow morning my g/f, the dogs and I are headed up into the Ozark Natty Forest to continue to recon'ing for the Central...
  14. Wes Craiglow

    MillerPKA's Build Thread

    Looks amazing. And totally mean as hell. I feel sorry for the soccer mom's you tailgate. :violent-smiley-031: So did you simply spray the Krylon right over existing rust spots, or did you wire brush and/or chem wash them first? I like the POR-15 (although I think they should call it...
  15. Wes Craiglow

    Re-tread tires

    Interesting. Thank you for the thorough update. I'm curious to know, if over more time, you'd do it again; was it worth it? I'll stay tuned... :coffee:
  16. Wes Craiglow

    4307's Canadian Taco Build

    I keep coming back to your build over, and over, and over... Seriously, you make we want to go to welding school and build a killer workshop. Please keep it up. You're a motivator.
  17. Wes Craiglow

    Gas Mileage List!!!

    Time to Bring This Thread Back to Life! How have I not found this thread in the last 18 months?!? Thanks to whoever started it way back when. :) Make: Toyota Model: Tacoma Year: 2001 Engine/Size: 3.4 Transmission: Manual Miles: 158k Tire Size: 265/70/r16 Gearing: 4.10 Weight (if known or...
  18. Wes Craiglow

    Homemade Roofracks.

    I second TB above: major cool points, my man. I SO wish I had welding skills like you. Can't wait to see what you do next. If I may, though, tag along another question to TB's four... Do you anticipate hood glare from the lights being immediately above your windshield? I would like to put...
  19. Wes Craiglow

    01/15/10: WWII Barracks Area, Camp Robinson, AR

    This is Camp Robinson, home of the Ark Nat'l Guard, and a training area for a whole host of other military branches. (FYI: three years ago the place was crawling with special forces-type operators from all over the world for the int'l sniper competition. Was GREAT fun!) It's located between...
  20. Wes Craiglow

    Anyone use a Fastkap?

    Never seen one, but curious now... :coffee: