Search results

  1. Wes Craiglow

    FS: Overland Journal Magazines

    Amazing. Super high-quality paper stock and binding material. The topics are mostly unprecedented. The write-ups are very thorough, often to the point of ground-breaking. The photos are wall-hangable. It's NOT a magazine. It exemplifies what a professional "journal" means to me. Worth...
  2. Wes Craiglow

    FS: Overland Journal Magazines

    I'll do it if you're willing to set up a PayPal acct. Anything other than that is a pain in the butt, and not worth the trouble in the 21st century. Call me lazy. Let me know. Thx.
  3. Wes Craiglow

    G-Wagen Fun in an Arkansas Snowstorm

    No snow tonight?! I heard Dallas was gettin' dumped on.
  4. Wes Craiglow

    Re-tread tires

    TreadWright Warden Review Okay, so I just couldn't take it anymore. I broke down last week and tossed down the dough for five TreadWright Wardens on BFG AT carcasses in a 265/75r16, non-Kedge and Class D. Paid $523 total to Arkansas... needless to say, at that price we're off to a great...
  5. Wes Craiglow

    Bilstein 5100 rear shock problem...

    Excellent point. Now if you'll excuse me... **rummaging and banging sounds from the toolbox** (Where did I put that doggoned torque wrench?!?)
  6. Wes Craiglow

    craigslist not mine

    Gorgeous. And a super price! If only I wasn't already building my own and having a blast doing it.... I hate it for whoever is having to sell this. What a heartbreaker.
  7. Wes Craiglow

    Prime-time Television Episode Features Overland Journal

    Been looking for it, but nothing. Any update you can give us?
  8. Wes Craiglow

    Bilstein 5100 rear shock problem...

    What did Bilstein tell you? Outcome?
  9. Wes Craiglow

    The Outfitters' Lament: Too Few Kids With Guns

    **HIJACK ON** I hereby make a motion that we, as Americans, make an official return to calling all areas west of the Mississippi River as, "The Frontier." (Even if it's not true, at least it'll make us feel like it's still unexplored, mysterious, and dangerous.) Can I get a second on this...
  10. Wes Craiglow

    The Outfitters' Lament: Too Few Kids With Guns

    And this is coming from a guy who takes his kid into Old Mex... this way he can teach them about real experiences and guns at the same time! Brilliant! :sombrero:
  11. Wes Craiglow

    What kind of headlight bulbs do you use?

    Well, after much reading, I have taken the advice from a few of you and Mr. Stern. I finally pulled the trigger on these. Love them. Dramatic improvement to both brightness and color. Just made a 500-mile trip from here to Shreveport. Most of both directions was at nighttime, and much of the...
  12. Wes Craiglow

    Help for any 04 Tacoma info

    Ditto. Best advice around. Have fun, and post pics of your travels!
  13. Wes Craiglow

    tacoma vs 4runner for expo rig

    Welcome to ExPo, Michael! Glad to have ya... Seein' as you're a new member, I'll go ahead and break the bad news: There's no such thing as an "expo" rig. :( Sorry. ExPo is a website, not a truck. (See "Basic Definitions.") I think what you're talking about is an overlanding or expedition...
  14. Wes Craiglow

    Light Mount

    Mirror mount for a CB antenna? Great idea!
  15. Wes Craiglow

    Light Mount

    :xxrotflma Must've been a long day at the office for ya! (Trust me, I know how you feel.) Glad I could help. Can't wait to see it in April!
  16. Wes Craiglow

    Light Mount

    The clamp is actually made for electrical conduit and can be found at most hardware stores. It looks like this: The bolt shown is for tightening to the round bar, the flat spot is where you'll bolt this: Just cut this "slotted angle iron" with a hacksaw to the length you need. Attach one...
  17. Wes Craiglow

    Light Mount

    Rob, I used a pipe clamp that I bought from Lowe's for about 50¢. Then for another 50¢ or so, I bought a piece of 90° angle iron which would attach to the pipe clamp and offer the light a flat place to rest. Then I drilled a hole in that "flat place to rest," spray painted it all black, and...
  18. Wes Craiglow

    Snow in Arkansas! 1/29-31/2010

    If you're sitting on 35s, then you'll be just fine. I'm on stock 31s right now, and I never drop into anything that MIGHT even get into my engine bay. Not worth the risk. (I kinda/sorta LOVE THE HECK outta my truck.) I will not be leading the group though anything deeper than 18-24". Can't...
  19. Wes Craiglow

    Snow Camping 2010

    I get it! I've been called crazy more times than I can count in the last couple of days when I tell people about our weekend trip... even driving my truck around before I unloaded it, people were looking all confused, as if saying, "Certainly not..." Oh, yeah. Certainly. Snow camping is...