Search results

  1. Wes Craiglow

    255/85/16's on 3rd gen 4Runners and 1st Gen Tacomas

    Bomar? This is you?! You passed me back in early November before breaking off left into some shopping center. I was down in MS at the time, maybe in the Clarksdale area, northbound toward the Helena bridge. I was in my white Taco... I remember my g/f saying, "Whoa, check out that 4runner with...
  2. Wes Craiglow

    Crossing Granit Creek in record flood

    With that truck floating the way it was, if he'd hit something with his left rear tire which brought him to a stop, the truck would've rolled several degrees to the left, offering underbelly plane to the oncoming rush of water. That 4Runner weighs 5-6k pounds, but has tens of thousands of...
  3. Wes Craiglow

    Crossing Granit Creek in record flood

    Asking for trouble. Kids, having a snorkel and a winch doesn't make situations like this safe, I don't care how much scouting you do. Do not try at home. Maybe at some remote location in Bolivia where you're on the only road for 100 miles and you have no other option... fine. But it comes...
  4. Wes Craiglow

    Should I Rhinoline or bed rug?

    Ha! I hear ya. It's just in case my BN S-1 section loses my 2-1 again, I can just show 'em my truck and be like, "That stuff." :sombrero:
  5. Wes Craiglow

    Should I Rhinoline or bed rug?

    All excellent thoughts on why to line your bed. In many cases, this is undoubtedly the best option. And from what I've always heard, Line-X is the better option. That said... Me? in five years I've never wanted to put anything under the topper which the BedRug couldn't handle. This...
  6. Wes Craiglow

    Should I Rhinoline or bed rug?

    LOVE my BedRug. I do have my Taco topped and platformed for sleeping/storage. When I'm back there, the BedRug helps makes things nice and warm by insulating all sides of the bed thoroughly. Even prior to building the platform, though, it was wonderful to sleep on due to its thick padding...
  7. Wes Craiglow

    Which fridge and why?... Power options?

    Read this: And this: And if you like it as much as the rest of us, then buy it from this guy. And next time, save us all the time and trouble, and SEARCH THE FORUM. There...
  8. Wes Craiglow

    33x10.50r15 VS 33x12.50r15

    Go narrow for a whole host of reasons. I don't have time now to go into detail, but you can search the ExPo forums for tons of great conversations on this issue. Bottom line: skinny beats wide for most situations.
  9. Wes Craiglow

    E-Locker Question

    I have experienced this same thing with my '01. Thank you for asking this. I'm curious to see what other responses might come up. And due to the vagueness of your title, I'm going to use this chance to politely [albeit, slightly] hijack while we have a captive audience ;) ... Why does my...
  10. Wes Craiglow

    One gallon square containers for auto fluids

    Looks like pretty thin metal on those handles. I have some tin snips, bolt cutters, and a BFH if you'd like to borrow anything.
  11. Wes Craiglow

    New to Forum Expedition ready

    Welcome to ExPo! Pics of the truck and your travels, please! :victory:
  12. Wes Craiglow

    Google Earth USGS Topo Plug In

    Great new layer. And, yes, you must click on the name, wait 10-15 secs, and then zoom in tightly to see the maps clearly, but it still beats the heck out of Topozone. Thanks for posting!
  13. Wes Craiglow

    Chiracahua's and Dragoons, Southern AZ 01/16/10

    Are you sure you didn't accidentally steer into a wildlife park?! WOW! Amazing. I enjoy solitude when I go out, but never mind these types of companions. Well done.
  14. Wes Craiglow

    Dual Battery System for 01-04 Tacoma

    Still shakin' my head at how you crammed both those batteries in that corner... bravo! What you're asking is a bargain, considering how much most of us have wrapped up in our duals. Good luck. Sure it won't take long.
  15. Wes Craiglow

    01/15/10: WWII Barracks Area, Camp Robinson, AR

    01/15/10: WWII Barracks Area, Camp Robinson, AR (cont.) So, as I made my way north out of the old cantonment area, I explored trails I'd never seen before. Not too dissimilar from most trails in this part of the country. Beautiful out, though. Finally warming after last week's hard freeze...
  16. Wes Craiglow

    01/15/10: WWII Barracks Area, Camp Robinson, AR

    Nothing major today, just a fun day out with the dogs. Didn't even plan it, actually; I just figured it would be a nice "long way" home after my VA appt in Little Rock. Here's my route (just under 30 miles total) Came up from main gate in the North Little Rock area, cruised around the old...
  17. Wes Craiglow

    What kind of headlight bulbs do you use?

    Hella 4000 Euros work great for this. But I only typically 'punish' folks when, after repeated attempts to get them to kill their brights by flashing my own factory brights at them, they refuse to comply. Never failed to get my point across.
  18. Wes Craiglow

    Kiamichi Trail (K-Trail) Adventure: The good, the bad, and the ????

    I'm from Arkansas, so I'm allowed by birthright. It's kind of like this: if I spank my kid, then that's cool. After all, it's my kid and there's the whole, "spare the rod, spoil the child" thing going on. But I freaking dare someone else to lay so much as a finger on her... I freakin' DARE...
  19. Wes Craiglow

    Kiamichi Trail (K-Trail) Adventure: The good, the bad, and the ????

    And on top of everything else, Scott went with a Del McCoury song for his facebook video?! Yeah, you guys gotsta def holler at me next time y'all roll out. :victory: