Well-known member
Just a very specific counter to your point here:
...are not selling quite as inexpensively as Compact Appliance, but they do not have the buying nor distribution power of CA either... Sierra Expeditions caters to a much smaller market - us.
Ummm, your proving my point. Higher prices are higher prices, I made no assumption how much higher just that they most often will be higher from the little guy. No need to explain why to me, I'm a little guy buyer too
Is there exceptions to the rule, sure. When smaller companies with a "vested interest (like Sierra)" start selling the same product as a 'Big Box' (like C.A., the price will be likely be higher in the grand scheme. This is all completely besides the point because I my pricing reference was if/when Edgestar and its re-brands start having the level of service, R&D, market influence and dealer network to that of the units you are comparing against. Maybe they do, I don't have that answer but I have not seen it. These fridges are still unheard of in other markets (ie Aussie) so I can't seem to think they are operating at nearly the same level yet. Time will tell and its far to early to call them a success story worthy of mention along names like Engel and Weaco just yet in my opinion.
Edit: Looks like Wil is reading this thread