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  1. Mwilliamshs

    Has anyone ever used hydraulic door closers for pop-top or bed lift?

    For the record, I just clarified the workings, enumerated some of the complications I see, gave some advice, and asked a question or two. Never said it couldn't be done or that wouldn't work or that there wasn't energy stored in the closer.
  2. Mwilliamshs

    Old College Kid (re)builds a Camper/Moto Van-1989 Ford EB SMB Penthouse

    JUST A LONG, RAMBLING POST ABOUT FLOORPLANS Still working on a floor plan and trying to be mindful of weight distribution. On the driver's side, just behind the driver's seat I plan to have ~150 lbs of batteries, 53 lbs of fridge, 25 lbs of furnace, and about 55 lbs of propane tank (Manchester...
  3. Mwilliamshs

    265/75/16 vs 235/85/16 question

    Just gotta laugh sometimes. Your phone references are golden comedy material. Car phones were first available stateside in the 1940s btw. My 2002 Ford F350 DRW came with 235/85-16, long after portable cellular devices became mainstream. The Cooper Discoverer HT3 I run on the front of it handle...
  4. Mwilliamshs

    Thoughts on this set up?

    LED lightbars being as popular as they are and mounted to the A-pillar as often as they are, I'd look into the possibility of using an A-pillar LED lightbar bracket for solar panel mounting.
  5. Mwilliamshs

    265/75/16 vs 235/85/16 question

    There's about 400 lbs difference in their load capacities, 265 being higher and the 265 weighs 5 lbs more per tire. So long as the 3,042 lbs per tire rating is sufficient for your needs, I'd go with the 235 for better mileage due to lower rolling resistance (narrower tread = less tread to flex)...
  6. Mwilliamshs

    Coin-Grip Flooring , where to buy if I need a 6 'X 8' piece

    Home Depot sells it off a 7.5' wide roll, up to 17' long for about $1.60/sq ft. The 48 sq ft piece you mention would be about $75.
  7. Mwilliamshs

    Rusty floor repair question

    Good point! I've got a few projects planned down-below and among them is getting some paint on the frame rails. No rust there yet but the 28 year old paint Ford applied is mostly gone. Depending on where the holes are in the floor, I may have to drop the fuel tank again (just put in a new pump...
  8. Mwilliamshs

    Rusty floor repair question

    My rear floor has some surface rust scattered about, mostly light stuff but I'm sure there are a couple spots with pitting, and I'm sure a few (dozen?) screw holes too. I'll grind the holes flat and weld them up with a copper paddle and either my little flux-core box or the MIG if I find some...
  9. Mwilliamshs

    Has anyone ever used hydraulic door closers for pop-top or bed lift?

    How far does the bed need to move vertically? In other words, what's the height difference between bed up and bed down?
  10. Mwilliamshs

    Has anyone ever used hydraulic door closers for pop-top or bed lift?

    You need a positive rest for the bed when down. Don't expect the closers to support the weight. You'll also need a positive stop for it when up to maintain preload on the closer. I would also want the bed positively secured when up so it couldn't fall down or bounce against its stops.
  11. Mwilliamshs

    Has anyone ever used hydraulic door closers for pop-top or bed lift?

    The hydraulic part of a doorcloser is what allows the slow, quiet closing. It resists the energy which actually does the closing. The hydraulic part is like a shock absorber, counteracting a big, strong spring. The adjustability is just like an adjustable shock (Rancho 9000, etc). You can...
  12. Mwilliamshs

    Duracell !2v Grp 31 AMG back at Sams Club...$179

    2 of these G31 AGM = $360 and 200 AH ($1.80/AH) 2 GC2 @ Sam's Club = $170 and 215 AH ($0.79/AH) 2 AGM GC2 @ Sam's Club = $360 and 190 AH ($1.89/AH) Just cuz I was curious.
  13. Mwilliamshs

    E250 transmission question.

    Don't be alarmed. It's installed during transmission assembly to keep debris out until the transmission dipstick and its tube are installed. That part falls into the pan and remains unless it's removed at service.
  14. Mwilliamshs

    FOUND Vans For Sale! old toyota van $1,750
  15. Mwilliamshs

    Input -Van,Full Size or other

    Have a Lance slide-in and an EB Ford Sportsmobile with a penthouse top. For leisure camping, the van wins. Only reason for the Lance is I need the truck for other uses and the Lance and truck together can be used while towing a 10,000 lb cargo trailer and camping at swap meets, towing a dozer or...
  16. Mwilliamshs

    Tire Preference .... need some opinions.

    Ford Exploder was because of too low psi for the sake of ride comfort. ANY at will work. Cooper AT3 = aweso
  17. Mwilliamshs

    Regretting my layout and sofa bed ,uuuugh

    Strong strapping run semi-taut adjacent the couch springs would be my first attempt. Did it on truck bench seats we put in a bus. We took the seat belts from the trucks and wrapped them around the front tube of the seat frames a single layer, ran a self-tapper screw with a fender washer through...
  18. Mwilliamshs

    Old College Kid (re)builds a Camper/Moto Van-1989 Ford EB SMB Penthouse

    My penthouse windows are junk. Got new ones from SMB a while back. Gotta find someone to sew them in. I'd like to use zippers so they can be removed. This would allow storing them flat and simplify future replacement. EDIT: a buddy from school manages an outdoor awning company (like canvas and...
  19. Mwilliamshs

    Old College Kid (re)builds a Camper/Moto Van-1989 Ford EB SMB Penthouse

    Been very lazy lately and decided I need to change that. As a goal-oriented guy, I set a deadline as a way to motivate myself. October 2017 I'll be driving my van from Little Rock, AR to Yellowstone National Park. With work and budget always a concern I'm keeping the trip short, about 10 days...
  20. Mwilliamshs

    Astro 4x4 Adventure VAN

    I have no experience with the drawer slides in question but this is the only review of them I found: "Misleading advertising .DON'T BUY THESE! Unless you are going to make a drawer out of AIR and only put Styrofoam in them.I have had 6 people look at this Item the way it is listed and then...