Search results

  1. Mwilliamshs

    Simple kind of van, a 2006 e150 build thread.

    Just as a point of comparison: 1989 E-150 EB with a Sportsmobile Penthouse, 4.9L, C6, 8.8, full tank (18 gal) of gas, no interior to speak of: 1/4" plywood walls with fiberglass insulation and only front seats weighs 5,000 lbs. Most emissions stuff has been removed and no trailer hitch, stock...
  2. Mwilliamshs

    1 8D or 2 6v batteries?

    Custom build, starting from scratch. Which would you use, $ being no option, two 6v golf cart batteries or one 8D? The only big differences I can think of is wiring a single battery would be simpler (and cheaper) and tying one down would be simpler, fewer cells to check the levels in (assuming...
  3. Mwilliamshs

    Van Flooring Options

    I intend to use tee nuts to fasten things to the plywood subfloor. They've worked far better than wood screws on other projects in the past. They do require some planning but I tend to build things twice. Once dry and unfinished, then once everything fits together perfectly, blow it apart and...
  4. Mwilliamshs

    Trying to decide whether solar would be nessasary.

    Solar can absolutely charge a 440AH battery bank. I suspect your charge controller's settings and/or its capabilities are mismatched to your battery if it will not fully charge. Is it temperature compensated? What is your battery balancing schedule? 240 watt panel should be good for about 45...
  5. Mwilliamshs

    Van Flooring Options

    My plan is 1/2" plywood with the "Costco" flooring (actually from home depot, but same material, same size) adhered on top. This bolted to the floor with felt washers between ply and sheet metal (or a fullsize piece of roofing felt?). On top of the vinyl flooring I'll use a carpet remnant...
  6. Mwilliamshs

    ford injector plug/connector................ where to get?

    Had a look at your profile and saw a 2008 E-150 listed there as coming soon. I assumed that's the van your referring to. Further assumed it has a 5.4 v8. Part is common to: FORD CROWN VICTORIA 1999-2011 FORD E-150 1999-2010 FORD E-250 1999-2010 FORD E-350 1999-2010 FORD E-450 2000-2010 FORD...
  7. Mwilliamshs

    Bathroom / Shower Options for Sportsmobile

    First 40" LED TV google gave me was the LG 40LH5000 Energy Guide says $13/yr for 108kwh a $0.12/kh, 5 hrs/day 108khw/365 days = .295 kwh/day /5 hrs = .0591780 kw/hr That's 59.178 watts on 120, or 0.5 amps. The trouble is that's 120v AC. To get it from a 12v battery, you gotta use an inverter...
  8. Mwilliamshs

    Bathroom / Shower Options for Sportsmobile

    The water heater I linked to can heat 6.8 gallons in 1 hour, so dunno what your 2 hour figure represents. The actual time needed to charge depends on battery size, depth of discharge, and charge rate. See below. Is 100 amps the 20hr amp hour rating of your battery? I'll assume so. 10 LEDS, 1...
  9. Mwilliamshs

    Bathroom / Shower Options for Sportsmobile

    The 2000w Honda I have puts out 16.7a max. Give 12 of that to heat water and you're not gonna do much battery charging with ~4 amps. Solar panels in the plan?
  10. Mwilliamshs

    Testing Forced Air Furnace Electric Draw

    Sounds like a solid plan. It's probably a Atwood 7900-series furnace. I also have a Lance and that's what's in it. If so, amp draw will either be 1.8 or 3.4. 1.8 is the direct vent only model so if you have any ducted vents at all, it'll be 3.4. Post your findings please
  11. Mwilliamshs

    Bathroom / Shower Options for Sportsmobile

    First 120v 7gal WH google gave me 12 amps draw, 6.8 gal/hr recovery rate So run your generator an hour to heat 7 gallons. Yikes. I didn't do a great deal of research but I wouldn't expect the Bosch unit to be the worst example on the market. 12a of 120 is within the generator's capabilities...
  12. Mwilliamshs

    GM fullsize AWD Van Info thread

    For a Silverado, you can look in the glove box for RPO codes. AP3 will = remote start factory installed and AP8= remote start ready. "Remote start ready" means visit the dealer and buy kit with two fobs and a code. The code is for GM. GM will sends the dealer a reflash for your computer. You can...
  13. Mwilliamshs

    Foam sandwich composite cabinets

    If I built them I'd wrap fully. Small extra expense upfront vs big gain in durability. If using a wrap with a finish you like, any extra layers would be superfluous. A (fabric friendly + foam friendly + people friendly) glue sprayed/spread on + a nomex pattern you like = done.
  14. Mwilliamshs

    Foam sandwich composite cabinets

    Nomex is a great idea. I found a color and pattern I think I'd like on eBay for $14/yd (36" x 61"). Polyurethane is better than polystyrene from a combustible perspective but the propane stove in most vans has a 3500°F+ flame. The flame of a burning paper plate is about 1,500°F. I would NOT...
  15. Mwilliamshs

    Foam sandwich composite cabinets

    The tensile strength of foil is pretty low. The screen is quite strong, especially for its weight. Self-adhesive vinyl would probably split the difference and speed assembly considerably. A tough, attractive wallpaper would be a one-step solution. The flammable nature of foam insulation makes...
  16. Mwilliamshs

    Charging House Batteries

    Trojan says 14.8v bulk charge for a 12v flooded system. Some mfg's differ.
  17. Mwilliamshs

    Coolant Filters

    Says Baldwin right on the filter. It's "sideways" (horizontal).
  18. Mwilliamshs

    Coolant Filters

    Clean exchanger works better. Clogged exchanger requires replacement.
  19. Mwilliamshs

    Coolant Filters

    Coolant filter especially useful when using heat exchanger to heat water with coolant. Gas vs diesel, no matter