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  1. C

    Another OUTLANDER trailer

    He has several options, torsion bar axle, leaf sprung etc... There are different sizes available with a variety of box configurations, optional side boxes, top open, rear open... Jacque
  2. C

    Another OUTLANDER trailer

    The website has been down for a while... Robert's phone # is 501 681 4573 EMAIL : He can snail mail you an information packet and price list Jacque
  3. C

    Another OUTLANDER trailer

    Robert has a demo in the same color as this one. I took mine out for an overnight trip this weekend and it handle very well. Worth every penny, I can't believe I waited this long to get a trailer. Jacque
  4. C

    Another OUTLANDER trailer

    Thanks, We used the original (416) "dune beige" paint code for the Cab! Jacque
  5. C

    Another OUTLANDER trailer

    Well, I just got the trailer so I don't have a good answer or any experience yet. My real intentions are to use it a base camp while wheelin' trails, so I don't know how much mud it will really see. I grew up wheelin' in mud (southeast Louisiana) now I avoid it like the plague:) Jacque
  6. C

    Mombasa Expedition RTT - Changing Room

    Justin, My trailer was delivered on monday, I will be mounting up the my tent this weekend. Give me a call next week and I will give you a full report.:) Jacque
  7. C

    Outlander trailer update

    The website is down... Here is Outlander's (Robert) # 501 681 4573 Jacque
  8. C

    Campa USA Expedition Vehicle Sytem

    The truck looks great Chris! I can't wait to see it. Jacque