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  1. Doing_Dirt

    Toasty's Garage

    Ive seen people come in and talk to the instructors to ask who is a good fit for employment. The instructors based their judgement on attendance, drive, and attitude. Youngsters old enough to buy smokes would have a career only a few months into the program. I think if you hit the colleges that...
  2. Doing_Dirt

    Toasty's Garage

    Its been a few years. I understand the basics. I can mig and flux core a bit but stick welding was our core. And blue print reading. Oxy acetylene want down-hard working kids, check here. Super nice program. Most don't want to work in the ship yards. Most looking for that monster...
  3. Doing_Dirt

    Toasty's Garage

    I graduated a welding/metal fab school and did not learn any of this. We were taught ship building work with 7016 being our roots.
  4. Doing_Dirt

    Gen 3 Montero Tow Hitch

    Nice write up. I need to visit our wrecking yards soon.
  5. Doing_Dirt

    Wet Carpet after driving through a puddle

    Thats not a bad price for carpet. It would be nice if they made a rubber kit that fits the same.
  6. Doing_Dirt

    Montero/Pajero owners on Instagram!

    Maybe its the angle, but the steering looks a bit off.
  7. Doing_Dirt

    Gen 3 ome shock and spring install

    Thats a nice looking rig! I love the extra effort with the ArmorAll driveway. :)
  8. Doing_Dirt

    Montero/Pajero owners on Instagram!

    Me either. No facebook or twitter. Do people even talk face to face any more?
  9. Doing_Dirt

    Dust Problem, 3rd Gen Montero

    Great info! Thanks!
  10. Doing_Dirt

    Wet Carpet after driving through a puddle

    Perfect time to strip the carpet and bed line it.
  11. Doing_Dirt

    Wet Carpet after driving through a puddle

    Wow I guess that will be getting a plug soon. JB Weld?
  12. Doing_Dirt

    Wet Carpet after driving through a puddle

    It doesn't seem the top of the rubber mats were wet so I'm guessing it came in through the fire wall via engine compartment. Maybe there's a rubber seal or grommet near the bottom of the dash (where the carpet starts) thats missing?
  13. Doing_Dirt

    What's the story behind this Montero?

    Damn cup holders!
  14. Doing_Dirt

    Finally found something I don't like about the Gen 3!

    Thanks for this link.
  15. Doing_Dirt

    Need shocks, should I just get a lift kit?

    Looks good!
  16. Doing_Dirt

    Finally found something I don't like about the Gen 3!

    Do you think cutting out the box where the 3rd row seat stores would fix the departure angle? When I looked under that seem to be the lowest point that might bottom out.
  17. Doing_Dirt

    Need shocks, should I just get a lift kit?

    Nice! So you went HD all around?
  18. Doing_Dirt

    Finally found something I don't like about the Gen 3!

    Whats up with the shallow cup holders that allow my water bottle to tip over? What are those slots with ribs meant for? My cell phone fits nowhere in the cab without me searching for it under the seats at the next red light. 2001 interior design had no plans for the I the only one?
  19. Doing_Dirt

    Back to Mitsu with an 83 Mighty Max

    My Sue Beat She? Mustang owners would cry.
  20. Doing_Dirt

    Back to Mitsu with an 83 Mighty Max

    Not sure your location (due to smog laws) but I vote for Chevy LS motor and make it a true sleeper.