Search results

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    Campervan Rental Suggestions?

    Some relocation sites, may not work on a tight time schedule.... Where are you planning to ariive/leave from?
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    Campervan Rental Suggestions?

    Jucy = good, Wicked, not so much.... Alot without toilets, but alot of press about 'freedom campers' causing all sorts of problems, so a little time reading up about on 'free' camp sites will put you ahead of the pack! Two weeks is going to be a rush....
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    Moped travel NZ

    I've got to agree with Clint and Dusty. I can't think of anywhere I'd want to be wobbling around on a moped, while 44-50 tons fly by inch's from your handle bars! SH1, down the West Coast, motorways up North, I'm just not feeling good about it! We don't have a good relationship between four...
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    [YEAR 7!] Quit our jobs, sold our home, gone riding...

    Interesting day (understatement!) and interesting how it all works out huh? You meet couple with similar interests, get on well, some time goes into the relationship with no strings attached, and the rewards in the years ahead are above and beyond anything you expected. We had a young family...
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    Sirocco Overland 2013 Expedition: UK - Vladivostok (Siberia) Adventure

    Great idea, web site looks very good, niche yes, but at least you are having a go. No use wondering about it! You certainly both have the credentials! A couple of years ago I took my daughters down South and rented a camper van and did a lap of the West coast/Eastern side of the Southern alps...
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    [YEAR 7!] Quit our jobs, sold our home, gone riding...

    Hmmm, A double cab, six wheel Landrover, with custom FRP camper. That should elicit some sort of response from this crowd! Trust Neda is still on the improve. Have fun heading South!!
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    Amazing, but a little crazy, still .. ..Amazing.. ...... .. (still crazy though!)

    Amazing, but a little crazy, still .. ..Amazing.. ...... .. (still crazy though!) !!Couldn't have said it better!! Not sure about driveability, that poor old Beddy would be groaning! But you still can't fault a good Kiwi boy (and girl) having a go! Still think I'd rather have the Sterling!
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    [YEAR 7!] Quit our jobs, sold our home, gone riding...

    Thanks LilPoppa/Gene. That clears it up. I have grand schemes schemed for 2016 and need to start the planning/saving now. Plan well, then go with the flow....something like that. Trolling Kijiji looking for the right vehicle. $800 Ford Focus?? Sitting here at 41 degrees South, it's reasonably...
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    [YEAR 7!] Quit our jobs, sold our home, gone riding...

    Thanks for the country price breakdown Gene. I've seen the $50/day price for Canada somewhere else on here. Could you briefly explain the additional $30/day as you head Arctic? More liquor, more clothes? Oh, and if you come back to New Zealand plenty of room to stay here!
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    Two Latvians overlanding south

    Great riding along with you both. Photo's are great. She's definitely a keeper!
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    [YEAR 7!] Quit our jobs, sold our home, gone riding...

    Gene and Neda, Sorry to hear of your loss. Thoughts and prayers for you two and your family.
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    Hey Ian! Good to 'see' you again. Was just thinking about you the other day, hoping you were alright, and wondering how Montana was going. Enjoying seeing your photo's of 'down South'. Really is a pretty nice place! Looking forward to more.
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    Great pictures Ian. That run down the West Coast equals anywhere in the world I reakon. Living the dream in a van down by the river! HA!
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    Nice van Bro!
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    Sönke's hard-side popup camper

    Memory says overall camper length is 2.4m, not sure about width.
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    Campervan or 4X4 for 1-2 months New Zealand

    Chainslap is living it so is able to comment more than me probably. Just show respect I guess, and if you're asked to move on, judge each case on it's own. Lot's of toilets out there, just ALOT of people have abused the place, so people are pretty touchy when they see a van parked up with no...
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    Campervan or 4X4 for 1-2 months New Zealand

    Self Containment certificate Never stopped to look before but the rules aren't too harsh really. Toilet, fresh water, sink, and grey water, and you are good to go! Well, a couple of plumbing details, and fee's to pay, but I figured it would be worse. Just had another Swiss couple through here...
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    Campervan or 4X4 for 1-2 months New Zealand

    New Zealand's equivalent to Gumtree (Ebay) is TradeMe - Not sure of your budget or time frame, but there are a few options - One thing to be aware of over here is there...
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    Looking for RV rental in New Zealand

    The DOC camps were an absolute revelation. Really magnificent locations, and pretty low fees. No facility's much, but if you're self contained in your camper you are good to go. We alternated between them, and full camp grounds so we could shower/wash. Don't know anything about insurance on your...
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    Looking for RV rental in New Zealand

    Plenty of options, Google Christchurch camper van will bring up a lot of options.