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  1. bigreen505

    Maggiolina Columbus

    The only tent that I have personally owned is the Columbus. I'm pretty sure it is a small. If it were a medium my opinions my be different. I have several nights in ARB and Howling Moon tents. For what you say, you might look at a 1.4 or 1.6 Howling Moon. If I were to buy one I think I would go...
  2. bigreen505

    Lightroom 4 Beta

    Smart man. I love Seth and Jamie, just keep in mind that Seth is probably the most dogmatic person you will ever meet and his opinions are partly funded by his sponsors. Understand why he says what says, but don't take everything at face value. Remember that beta catalogs can't always be...
  3. bigreen505

    Frontier fragile front diffs

    No, I'm asking about 3rd member -- both R&P and case. There are a lot of reports of blown up diffs online and a lot of them are on trucks that have never been off pavement -- not just "hold my beer and watch this" stuff. As I said, I'm kicking the tires on a new truck and the 330,000 mostly...
  4. bigreen505

    Maggiolina Columbus

    I have one that I am actually thinking about selling. What would you like to know? In my opinion they have more cons than pros. They are very small inside for the claimed floor space, despite claims they are colder than a Howling Moon tent, unlike a traditional tent they take up the entire...
  5. bigreen505

    Frontier fragile front diffs

    It will be wheeled in all sorts of terrain and I can be pretty certain that it will be heavy. Think of a build very close to TacoDoc's, but on a Frontier. Tire size will probably be a mid-33" tire like a 285 or 255.
  6. bigreen505

    Frontier fragile front diffs

    I'm kind of kicking the tires on a new truck. I'm intrigued by the Frontiers, at least on paper, but I keep hearing about the fragile front diffs and how you need to replace them with Titan diffs, axles and gears. Where is the line between fact and fiction?
  7. bigreen505

    Tacoma to Trooper, New Isuzu Owner

    I'm running 285 MT/Rs with OME 919 springs and a ball joint flip with no rubbing. Torsion bars are cranked about 1.5" over stock. Unless you are carrying a load, 912 springs are probably the way to go.
  8. bigreen505

    To sipe or not to sipe KM2s?

    I have become a real fan of Goodyear MT/R tires over the past few years, but I really wish they made a 255. Scott, I think you have to decide how married you are to the 255 size. The Goodyear 285/75 is about a 33x11.5. If I recall, the 255 KM2 is about a 33.5x10.5. I don't really mind the extra...
  9. bigreen505


    PM sent
  10. bigreen505


    How long have you been trying to reach him?
  11. bigreen505

    Blown Trooper engine

    Do you have enough experience to make any comments about how the 5-speed and auto perform off road? I think you were the one who make the unfortunately accurate comment that the auto goes uphill like a goat and downhill like an avalanche.
  12. bigreen505

    Trooper Redux ...

    @BigSwede - Yes there is a factory rack. It was made by Yakima. Each bar/ends weighs about 2 lb. I'm not sure I would trust it to hold much. Further, if I remember, it was a somewhat proprietary shape. I think it was sold only through Isuzu dealers. @Jeffry I've heard of truck roofs developing...
  13. bigreen505

    Craigslist - Toyota Tundra custom built offroad camper - $17000 (Sedalia)

    That looks pretty cool. Is that the one that Oleg and Yuri built?
  14. bigreen505

    Range Rover Evoque

    Dimmitt is a bit out of the way, but if there is one coming to Colorado I would love to take a look. It seems like a very nice Colorado car for someone looking for something a little nicer and a little more capable than a Subaru or Audi.
  15. bigreen505

    Range Rover Evoque

    The only one here I know of who may have driven one is Pete Sweetser. He has one at Dimmit Motors in Florida and posted a bunch of photos on his facebook page. The fact that is says Range Rover, but nowhere on it says Land Rover should tell you what you need to know. Lots of technology, lots of...
  16. bigreen505

    Baby Seat options D1

    For a newborn or close to it (i.e. rear facing) I have been happy with Graco, but avoid the ones with the adjustable base as they really are not safe. For forward facing, either Brittax or Recaro. No personal experience with the Recaro, but several friends here are happy with them.
  17. bigreen505

    National LR Rally in CO. ???????

    It happened. A great time was had by all. Pics soon on and our facebook page. Good trucks, good people, pretty flowers, lots of goats. Due to the amount of snow and relatively late (partial) melt, the whole area is very green and lush, but some of the trails didn't open...
  18. bigreen505

    Isuzu 3.2 vs 3.5

    @BigSwede How can you tell if your IMG need to be replaced?
  19. bigreen505

    Trooper Redux ...

    I have a 45 qt. Engle. Let me know if you want a picture. If I were buying I would go with a National Luna. There is a build thread on here somewhere, I think of a FJ80, where someone built a cargo system with the refrigerator on the bottom on a slide, drawers next to the refrigerator and then a...