I believe I saw a complete trailer that was used by the military in Iraq for sale. Surplus Goods or something a couple years back. Inflatable Tent, generator, ac unit and all the goodies to make it work on a trailer.
Email EEZI Awn in South Africa about your problem. This is where they are manufactured. http://www.eeziawn.co.za/contactus.html
My last RTT spent over 2 1/2 years out of 3 in the elements, and had no sign of deterioration.
Without the cords, when you close most rooftop tents, the folds often lay to 'the outside and on the collective side of the closed tent'. This gives it a messy, bulky look on the sides and the cover is then often difficult to slide over. Dust can reach inside the tent sometimes because of an ill...
I had problems with 6.14.1 and I know a lot of other people did to. Everyone switched back to the previous update.
You're not an idiot, something is wrong with that Mapsource update.
I've used a small bottle jack for years and never had issue when left in place overnite. It served a dual purpose- when on solid ground or a small wood/metal plate, I used it to change flats and access for maintainance.
Definitely better then some fancy expensive, space consuming solutions...
Simple. A small bottle jack does the trick in minutes. I used to have a caravan gas frig(3 way) inside before I got smart. So with a small bubble level the size of a coin, leveling the two was a snap.
As Kingslug says, buy a landy when you get there. The South Africans are way ahead of us on many modifications/conversions. There are a lot of good mechanics in SA that can do this. Kitting out the vehicle is no problem. Why ship a vehicle twice?
The degree or modification should be dependent...
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