Also, as of late, these past few years struggling with the carb, and now struggling with the fuel injection, and still struggling with all the other crap you struggle with on a 40 year old truck, I'm pretty much "over it".
I've been looking at a number of other options, and recently found a partially restored CJ-^ that a fellow is willing to trade for it. I've wanted something old and slow to putt around with for some time, but the concept of never being able to go more than 45mph does scare me, as well as some of the attempted restoration. Seems like a back yard bubba restoration.
So, Nothing decided at this moment, but I'm not sure how much longer this thing will be hanging around. All relationships come to an end I guess. I've just realized that literally any modern 4x4 truck or SUV will do everything my wagoneer does, and it will do it better, safer, more reliably, and more efficiently. If my wagoneer disappeared tomorrow, I'd still be able to do everything I do (and them some) with my little Dakota, which isn't even very good at anything. This makes me realize that I'm using the wagoneer for the wrong stuff. I'm using it as a long distance camping and exploring vehicle. Its unreliable, its uncomfortable, its not very capable, and its extremely inefficient at 10mpg or so, which doesnt seem to have improved since doing the EFI. I can spend my life trying to make this something that it never will be, I can keep dumping money into it, drop an LS into it, and it'll still just be a beat up old truck that isnt very good at stuff.
So, we'll see. I dont think it'll be around me much longer, I'd like to get rid of it and get something fun and different to work on. Then eventually get rid of my pickup and get a new truck or SUV or jeep or whatever to do a mild build on and use as a capable, safe, camping and exploring vehicle.