1983 FJ45 Troop Carrier Buildup


El Gringo Spectacular!
I don't recall the brand...but it's the el cheapo that is around $90 usually... works fine, but definitely not awe inspiring....



El Gringo Spectacular!
What to do, what to do?

I've been wondering about where to take the next steps on the Troopy. My thoughts have been:

1. Electrical Upgrade: Luna Dual Battery System, Aux Fuse Block, Solar panels, etc.

2. Power Steering: Leaning towards a Saginaw system, for ease of parts....

3. Winch & Front Bumper.

4. Interior mods: Rear seat changes, etc.

Anyone want to see anything inparticular? Heck, she drives so well right now I've kinda lost direction, and just look at trips, but, with winter upon us, I need some things to do in the garage....



Hltoppr said:
I must configure it to sleep inside if necessary.

So whatever happened to the wooden platform you had in the back, and why can't you sleep on that? Or do you want to get the whole family in there?


El Gringo Spectacular!
The platform for Mexico was taken out. I have made another one, and will do a write up here shortly....

Hardest part is whether to keep the rear seat, or to go with a different design to create a sleeping platform...kinda molds it into the rear seat mods on #4....



My solution was to make a platform behind the rear seat with a height of the seat folded down. It's not the prettiest or most elegant solution, but it works for sleeping and getting out of the weather. You might have a different need in mind though.


El Gringo Spectacular!
I thought about that. Unfortunately, if my platform is high enough to be level with the rear seat back when it is folded forward...it's too high for the fridge to open....doh!

That's why I was thinking about going to a single, rear bucket seat in the rear....so that one side would be free for a platform.



Hltoppr said:
What to do, what to do?

I've been wondering about where to take the next steps on the Troopy. My thoughts have been:

1. Electrical Upgrade: Luna Dual Battery System, Aux Fuse Block, Solar panels, etc.

...with winter upon us, I need some things to do in the garage....

Electrical upgrades ought to keep you busy for a while. Sounds like the most bang for the effort. Seems like you've gotten used to the manual steering box by now.


2008 Expedition Trophy Champion
Power steering gets my vote, although I'd opt for the mini-truck variety. Keep it in the family - ya know.

The electrical upgrades are a close second, and maybe more important if you travel alone.


El Gringo Spectacular!
I haven't had much luck finding a hilux ps box...Right hand drive....searches on ebay OZ have turned up nada....I like the mini truck design as it keeps everything in its stock location, rather than having to cut/weld crossmembers and frame rails....



2005 Expedition Trophy Champion
Hltoppr said:
2. Power Steering

Your steering is fine and quite supple actually.

3. Winch & Front Bumper.

Can't go wrong with function AND form.

4. Interior mods: Rear seat changes, etc.

Planning expanding the family are ya?

...lost direction, and just look at trips, but, with winter upon us, I need some things to do in the garage....

The 70F winter desert is an hour and half from you! How many 40 series owners would love to have lost direction and focused on trips? Is this just rubbing all of this in our faces?


El Gringo Spectacular!
Ok Scott, I'll come clean....when I mentioned your 100 series to my wife....ya' know what she said?.......

"Do it!" :smilies27

Sometimes I just can't listen to my wife.....:sport_box

Power steering, using a mini truck box, is in the lead....just gotta see if I can track down a hilux/surf box....



2005 Expedition Trophy Champion
Hltoppr said:
...I'll come clean....when I mentioned your 100 series to my wife....ya' know what she said?.......

The LC100 did very well in the blizzard I just drove through on my way home from Williams late on Sunday night! Kiddos slept the whole way. Just name a time :)

Power steering, using a mini truck box, is in the lead...

Long shot, but can you mount this upside down?



El Gringo Spectacular!
I'm treating a 100 series like one of the twelve steps....taking every day at a time.....so tempting....just can't fall off the wagon....

I've got my OZ connection calling some auto recyclers today....can't mount it upside down...but with the joys of FedEx I can likely get one that'll work!


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