1983 FJ45 Troop Carrier Buildup


El Gringo Spectacular!
Yeah....I haven't made any final decisions yet....other than I think the best option is a bigger garage....



El Gringo Spectacular!
Can I just keep the 45 at your house with the keys in it....communal rig.....:sunflower

I guess I could just buy another condo in my complex....Expo hang out and spare vehicle storage!



Central Scrutinizer
I have room too. Or if you sell the 45, we could fall back on the communal 416 build.........Does a 100 have provisions for a pintle hook?


Well, since you're giving up on the 45 I'll take it off your hands for free. I'll even come down to Flag and pick it up. How about next Monday?



since I want to move to Flag anyway after our visit this year....just hang onto the Troopy for me until I get there. It will be ok if you use it some, just be careful :)


El Gringo Spectacular!
gjackson said:
Well, since you're giving up on the 45 I'll take it off your hands for free. I'll even come down to Flag and pick it up. How about next Monday?


That's fine Graham...bring the 110 title and we'll just trade.....:p

It's not gone yet folks....just testing the waters to see if a new(er) rig would work better....

We'll see. I haven't made any decisions yet!



That's fine Graham...bring the 110 title and we'll just trade.....

LR110, TLC100, decisions decisions. . .

Just hang on to that 100 and I'll get that old crusty 45 off your hands. Consider it a favor. The 110 really isn't worth the rubber it's running on; 1960s technology and all.



Expedition Leader
Desertdude said:
I support your decision 100 percent :shakin:

100= DD always fun :safari-rig:

45 = fun on solo weekends :bowdown:

Oh A-

I too am going through this debate right now. The 45 is just a blast to own, but a more contemporary platform would be so nice. I guess we have it tough :rolleyes: don't we.


2005 Expedition Trophy Champion
Hltoppr said:
waiving their 100 series land cruisers in front of my face


thoughts that maybe, just maybe, a 100 may be a better choice for my family....

As you can likely already tell, the 100 is as much a step above the 80 as the 80 is above the 60 as the 60 is above the 55 ...

I'm sure the Twundy (LC200) will fill the role eventually, but the Hundy is the perfect no-thought road vehicle that you just point away from the pavement when ready. It ain't gonna' go mud'din the same as any ol' 80, but I reckon she's the next best thing, an' she'll get ya' there heckuva lot quicker too.


El Gringo Spectacular!
After a couple of days with the 100 series, I parked it in my friend's garage and jumped back into the Troopy. Familiar sqeaks and rattles greeted me, all joining Jimmy Buffett belting out a live version of Come Monday over the $20 speakers.

Now, the 100 is nice, but just doesn't quite fit me. Easy to drive, I noticed a change in my stress level. One would think I'd go down, but just the opposite, I found myself being more critical of other drivers around me; grumbling at the Flagstaff tourists while running mundane office errands.

You see, in the Troopy, I just kinda relax. It's not going anywhere fast, and I'm not able to maneuver through traffic like a sports coupe, and the brakes don't respond like four-wheel disks, so I just don't even try; settling into an easy "cruise" so to speak.

So, the Troopy stays. Would a 100 series be a better daily driver/family car...sure, 100%...but I'll stick with my 26 year old Land Cruiser, because every time I get in it, I'm not just on a commute, but in a piece of history, one which transports those who see it travelling down the road to their own visions of Africa or the Outback; even if for a small moment.

A little piece of dreaming....

Next mods....

Power Steering. Mini truck box and accessories have been purchased and are being shipped from OZ!

National Luna Dual Battery System. I'll be upgrading the relay-based battery isolator that I have now; and isn't the most effective system.



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