1999 Jeep Wrangler 2.2L Kubota diesel swap


Renaissance Redneck
I just finished a very important mod!


I thought you meant the "Bigfoot Research" sticker:elkgrin: Do you know BoBo from the tv show "Squatch hunters"? We love watching that show, and keep our eyes open, but have yeti to spot one...

(pun intended)


I thought you meant the "Bigfoot Research" sticker:elkgrin: Do you know BoBo from the tv show "Squatch hunters"? We love watching that show, and keep our eyes open, but have yeti to spot one...

(pun intended)

HAH! No... I didn't even think about those being in the picture, I'm just so used to seeing them on there. I've never met BoBo, but we do have a mutual friend, so the chances are good that I will at some point. The research decals have brought out some great stories and people say some hilarious things. I don't want to go too far off topic, so I'll hold off on any stories, but here are a couple of my favorite quotes:

Wolf researcher (the guy who got the WA Wolverine pictures on his camera traps a while back) with visiting Nepalese friend - "In Nepal, if you don't believe in Yeti you're kind of an a$$hole!"

Random guy at a burger joint - "Harry and the Hendersons, that's all the evidence I need!"


New member
I just thought I'd stir up the "how much power do you really need?" debate. My first diesel truck was a 1959 Mercedes 319d, possibly the first factory diesel pickup in North America. It was a 1-ton dually, powered by a Mercedes om636 diesel. This was the same engine used in the 180d cars, the 401 and 411 Unimogs, Thermo-King reefers and bunch of other industrial applications. It developed all of 40 hp from 1.8 litres. Top speed was abou 45 mph, not all that different from the original Jeeps. I got used to it and it seemed adequate everywhere but on freeways.

My second was a '77 Ford half-ton powered by a Nissan 3.3L. It was the industrial version, rated at 83 hp, and it wasn't adequate. It would cruise at 60 mph under perfect conditions, but I was down to third gear for headwinds or slopes that I wouldn't have noticed even in the Mercedes. Since I had to run at full throttle most of the time, it also smoked like Mt St Helens.

Since then, I've been driving Dodge/Cummins diesels. No complaints about them.

I haven't entirely abandoned conversions, though. My '78 Winnibago has a Perkins 6-354 turbo in place of the original Dodge 440. Even with 100 or so less hp than the original ,it doesn't bother me.

I have another 6-354 that's in the process of going into a GMC DUKW, and if I ever find the time, I'd like to put a diesel in one of my M-38 Jeeps. I haven't decided what to use. I have several of the Mercedes om636's: car, truck, Unimog and reefer versions. I also have a few Mazda 2.2L pickup engines. I don't have any spare Kubotas, although my Bobcat and welder are Kubota powered. There is, however, a shop not too far away that puts Kubotas in Jeeps so it's kind of tempting to do something that someone else has already worked the bugs out of. I also have a CJ-2 that someone started to put a VW Tdi in. I'm afraid that when I get a closer look at it, I'll find there were good reasons he gave up.


Expedition Leader
[/QUOTE] There is, however, a shop not too far away that puts Kubotas in Jeeps so it's kind of tempting to do something that someone else has already worked the bugs out of. [/QUOTE]

Here is the link to these guys - I saw a short article on diesel conversion in the latest JP magazine at the super market last night that mentioned it...


Dan Grec

Expedition Leader
Hey Redveloce,

I just found another thread of yours where you mention you considered the OM602 / 603 / 605 / 606, while swapping it to fully mechanical.

Did you get very far down the road of finding out if it would mate to the AX-15 with the OM617 adapter?

Did you dig up anything else about those Merc diesels? They look interesting.

The 606 seems to have plenty of power/torque, in the right configurations...http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mercedes-Benz_OM606_engine
(605 sounds interesting too...)

And will have no trouble burning anything you want to put in it, it seems.




I did a bit of research, but I can't remember posting about it. My memory is a bit foggy, but I think I found some references to a mechanical pump off of another Mercedes diesel bolting on. If I'm remembering correctly, the biggest hurtle was going to be the front sump oil pan and pump. I probably could have added more lift to clear the pan, but I didn't want to go that route.

Dan Grec

Expedition Leader
I did a bit of research, but I can't remember posting about it. My memory is a bit foggy, but I think I found some references to a mechanical pump off of another Mercedes diesel bolting on. If I'm remembering correctly, the biggest hurtle was going to be the front sump oil pan and pump. I probably could have added more lift to clear the pan, but I didn't want to go that route.

Right on, thanks.

It looks like lots of people are taking the mechanical pump off the 603 and putting it on the 605/6 to make them all mechanical.

They look sweet, though hard to come by in North America...

I'm still dreaming, and trying to find a way :)


Dan Grec

Expedition Leader
Watch out, this kind of thinking can get expensive fast! :sombrero:

It looks like a VW 2.8 + trans + wiring + everything else I need from Australia will cost a little over $20k. If I can find a viable diesel swap for under that, that's the direction I'll take.



It looks like a VW 2.8 + trans + wiring + everything else I need from Australia will cost a little over $20k. If I can find a viable diesel swap for under that, that's the direction I'll take.


There are a lot of possibilities for that budget!

Here's a preview of what I'm working on next...


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do i see one small turbo and another one slightly bigger and perhaps the will to compound stuff together? :)

impossible! i have to be mistaken!!

nobody takes my advice on that!!!


if ever someone was thinking about it, may the mechanical gods be with them!

ps plz calculate how much boost youre ending with.

those two shouldnt do much....however, i know a guy that got the turbo sizes wrong(read pumpkin size for the bigger one)

and to this day i kick myself for forgetting to charge the video cameras batteries :wings:

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