1999 Jeep Wrangler 2.2L Kubota diesel swap


Yeah i get really frustrated people hating on this guys awesome swap. He's not trying to market it, he just wants to show us what he's done. I'm all about constructive criticism, but there's a few veteran dudes on here flaming him for no reason. I think the forum is better when people show swaps like this. I'd hate to post my regular cab up, especially because i don't have an airplane sticking out of the front of it.


Wow! Amazing thread. The drama just makes it interesting like the reality TV shows do.

I drove nearly a million KMs in 93HP (when new) BJ60s which weighed well over 5000lbs. I don't think this rig's power/weight ratio is going to be a problem. In fact, it remind me a bit of the Mitsubishi J54 Jeeps that come here from Japan every now and again. I drove a normally aspirated one for a summer and I'll bet it had very similar performance figures.

Please continue the updates, sir...


you know, the Dude abides
Love this swap, really cool TJ man! Just read the whole thread. I myself am kind of swap happy these days, first a JK rear axle in my YJ, now an SM465.

Did I miss it or did you mention MPG?

Pat yourself on the back for cool factor 10 work :)


Walmart Adventure Camper
Were you ever going to mention to your adoring fans that your engine swap is ILLIGAL???

Definitely in your state and California (probably the other 48 as well)!!!

And honestly... You could have just pulled 2 spark plug wires from you previous "gasser" and got equal performance and horse power (or possibly better), for A WHOLE LOT less effort?

To even the score with people that make fun of your goofy car on roof RV, do you feel compelled to lash out at others that do something different???
...sorry fellow readers, couldn't help myself :)


People have made fun of my whimsical style looooooong before Expo... I have no problem with that! The modifications to my vehicles are 100% legal!

YES! When somebody Boasts about technology that is not technology! AND is an illegal modification of a vehicle!

Just like I would not condone someone boasting about enjoying Peruvian abalone shell or slinging a silenced MAC 10!

The OP is obviously a bright guy with REAL SKILLS... Sadly he chose to take the easy and CHEAP route then boasted about it! I CALL BULL ********!!! If for no other reason than wanting to stop lesser than bright people that might follow him... Then suffer, when having to deal with their states DMV!

So exactly where did I "BOAST" about the technology of this swap? Quote me. Oh wait, I can do that for you.

I have been wanting to swap a diesel engine into one of my vehicles for years, and finally this summer/fall, after over a year of research I bit the bullet and started wrenching. I had considered many options from the common Cummins 4bt and Mercedes OM617 swaps to something more exotic like a Deutz. The 4bt was ruled out, because the Jeep is relatively light, and I didn't want to deal with the extra size and weight. The Mercedes was eliminated, because I wanted a direct injection engine, preferably something industrial. I like weird and obscure things, and I'm a HUGE fan of Deutz engines. The only Deutz engines I could find within my budget would have likely needed complete rebuilds to be trusted, so I reluctantly passed on those as well. I briefly considered a Cummins B3.3 until I started looking for them and choked when I saw the price of the few I could actually find!

So let's recap. I said wanted an industrial (usually meaning pushrod), direct injection engine. I also mentioned liking an antique air cooled design, and a mechanically injected, pushrod Cummins. I'm trying to dig through my posts and figure out exactly where you found me "boasting" about anything that would be considered technology less than 40 years ago.

Oh, and it's completely legal here. The state realized how much money they lost when they pulled a bunch of plates a while back, and reversed course, making it easier to register modified vehicles. Intentionally. All you have to do is walk into a licensing office and tell them to change the reg to diesel, and you're done. All diesels up to '06 and under 6000lbs are exempt from emissions testing here.

Those are the facts, but I call BS that those have a damned thing to do with why you're throwing a tantrum in here. There are numerous illegal home market diesel swap topics for Toyotas, Land Rovers, and a few others on this forum, and I don't see you screaming about legality on those topics. 4BT swaps would also technically be illegal most places, because of the donor classification differences. And don't start going on about diesels not designed for 'automotive' use until you jump in and start crying in the B3.3 swap topics.

I chose to do this swap because I WANTED to do it. That's the only justification that I need. It was a great learning experience, and I love the results. You can not like it if you want, but your tantrums are only exposing you as a petty man-child.

Oh yeah, one more thing. I know nothing about Peruvian abalone, but a silenced MAC 10 is legal here too. Not everywhere is California.
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Expedition Leader
With all due respect...

You are bringing nothing to the table!


Obviously, you are motivated, lets see some REAL TECHNOLIGY!!!

OR, ????

I've just got to ask...
Were you ever going to mention to your adoring fans that your engine swap is ILLIGAL???

Definitely in your state and California (probably the other 48 as well)!!!

And honestly... You could have just pulled 2 spark plug wires from you previous "gasser" and got equal performance and horse power (or possibly better), for A WHOLE LOT less effort?

People have made fun of my whimsical style looooooong before Expo... I have no problem with that! The modifications to my vehicles are 100% legal!

YES! When somebody Boasts about technology that is not technology! AND is an illegal modification of a vehicle!

Just like I would not condone someone boasting about enjoying Peruvian abalone shell or slinging a silenced MAC 10!

The OP is obviously a bright guy with REAL SKILLS... Sadly he chose to take the easy and CHEAP route then boasted about it! I CALL BULL ********!!! If for no other reason than wanting to stop lesser than bright people that might follow him... Then suffer, when having to deal with their states DMV!

wow. I think you need to find a new pastime. The internet or maybe this hobby is obviously something that is not a healthy thing for you. Might want to double-check your reactions with your family. If you're being this kind of person to them, too, counselling might be a very good choice at this point.

Best thing to do is to retrace your steps mentally and see where this type of behavior started. Might have been an arguement with your significant other, a disipline issue with your kids, maybe the stress of your day job. Sometimes we project our frustrations on others when it's, in fact, due to something we're completely overlooking.

Don't post in this thread again, if you can help it, before you take a more introspective look at yourself. Seems like it's simply a distraction from what really might be at issue.
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Expedition Leader
This thread is getting pulled down into the toilet again. Diesel engine swaps are very unregulated in general, as long as it is not a company selling the conversion you are pretty much able to swap in about anything you want.


I don't want to keep dragging it down, but I will respond to the "gross emitter" statement, because it may be of some interest to other DIY types. I don't think it's necessary to state this on this forum, but ALWAYS look into your local regulations when doing ANY modification to your vehicle. I did extensive research on getting this licensed before I made my decision on which engine to use.

This is a Tier 4 diesel swapped into a 1999 vehicle. The CO emissions are actually significantly less than the original gasoline engine, and it far exceeds the requirements for a 1999 highway diesel. As far as testing, it doesn't have any problem passing the California 30% opacity test if that were relevant.

These engines are being pulled because commercial vehicles are subject to emissions standards for the current year, as opposed to passenger vehicles, which are subject to the emissions standards of their model year. If passenger vehicle requirements worked the same way as commercial vehicles requirements, then the engines and emissions equipment would have to be continually updated on them as well. An Expo relevant example would be: a 1994 4Runner would have to pass the same requirements as a 2013 4Runner, likely requiring frequent engine swaps.

Highway engine certification is extremely expensive. Kubota doesn't cater to the passenger vehicle market, so they weren't going to make the investment to get the engine certified. If you're looking into doing this swap yourself you'll definitely want to see if this is an issue where you live, but it's not an issue for me. You really should check the same thing if you're changing anything from headlight bulbs to tires.


Expedition Leader
I don't want to keep dragging it down, but I will respond to the "gross emitter" statement, because it may be of some interest to other DIY types. I don't think it's necessary to state this on this forum, but ALWAYS look into your local regulations when doing ANY modification to your vehicle. I did extensive research on getting this licensed before I made my decision on which engine to use.

This is a Tier 4 diesel swapped into a 1999 vehicle. The CO emissions are actually significantly less than the original gasoline engine, and it far exceeds the requirements for a 1999 highway diesel. As far as testing, it doesn't have any problem passing the California 30% opacity test if that were relevant.

These engines are being pulled because commercial vehicles are subject to emissions standards for the current year, as opposed to passenger vehicles, which are subject to the emissions standards of their model year. If passenger vehicle requirements worked the same way as commercial vehicles requirements, then the engines and emissions equipment would have to be continually updated on them as well. An Expo relevant example would be: a 1994 4Runner would have to pass the same requirements as a 2013 4Runner, likely requiring frequent engine swaps.

Highway engine certification is extremely expensive. Kubota doesn't cater to the passenger vehicle market, so they weren't going to make the investment to get the engine certified. If you're looking into doing this swap yourself you'll definitely want to see if this is an issue where you live, but it's not an issue for me. You really should check the same thing if you're changing anything from headlight bulbs to tires.

Yup. Good to state, but I believe most on this forum are tracking with your content, and would make responsible choices appropriate to their locale's regulations.

Kudos. :)

goin camping

I don't want to keep dragging it down, but I will respond to the "gross emitter" statement, because it may be of some interest to other DIY types. I don't think it's necessary to state this on this forum, but ALWAYS look into your local regulations when doing ANY modification to your vehicle. I did extensive research on getting this licensed before I made my decision on which engine to use.

This is a Tier 4 diesel swapped into a 1999 vehicle. The CO emissions are actually significantly less than the original gasoline engine, and it far exceeds the requirements for a 1999 highway diesel. As far as testing, it doesn't have any problem passing the California 30% opacity test if that were relevant.

These engines are being pulled because commercial vehicles are subject to emissions standards for the current year, as opposed to passenger vehicles, which are subject to the emissions standards of their model year. If passenger vehicle requirements worked the same way as commercial vehicles requirements, then the engines and emissions equipment would have to be continually updated on them as well. An Expo relevant example would be: a 1994 4Runner would have to pass the same requirements as a 2013 4Runner, likely requiring frequent engine swaps.

Highway engine certification is extremely expensive. Kubota doesn't cater to the passenger vehicle market, so they weren't going to make the investment to get the engine certified. If you're looking into doing this swap yourself you'll definitely want to see if this is an issue where you live, but it's not an issue for me. You really should check the same thing if you're changing anything from headlight bulbs to tires.

I have been following and enjoying this thread because of your outside the box thinking. Will I ever contemplate this swap? Not at all, I have no interest in doing this myself but it is really fun and interesting to read just because it is so unusual. I tip my hat to you.

Did I miss the MPG, off road and freeway performance reports?

As a side not. It is good that you don't seem to be upset by the hostility that has been thrown your way. Don't ever let naysayers limit where you go or what you do. The free thinkers are the ones that change the world.


I have been following and enjoying this thread because of your outside the box thinking. Will I ever contemplate this swap? Not at all, I have no interest in doing this myself but it is really fun and interesting to read just because it is so unusual. I tip my hat to you.

Did I miss the MPG, off road and freeway performance reports?

As a side not. It is good that you don't seem to be upset by the hostility that has been thrown your way. Don't ever let naysayers limit where you go or what you do. The free thinkers are the ones that change the world.


I haven't taken it on any trips or off road yet, but it does well on the freeway. I've probably had it up to 70 or 75, and it was still pulling strong, but I haven't tried to top it out, and likely never will. I imagine it would probably top out at around 80 or maybe 85. It's really happiest around 55 in 5th. It still has the original 29 or 30 inch tires, but it will be due for tires in the spring, and it's going to get something a little larger. I'm thinking 31s or 33s. The 33 inch tires line up the sweet part of the RPM at about 65, but I need to decide if I think the higher ratio would result in any performance problems.

So far it's gone through 3 tanks of fuel, averaging 26.6 MPG as tracked on Fuelly. Not spectacular, but that has been with a LOT of testing at wide open throttle and hard pulling. If I drive normally, I can commute to work, 16 miles each way, and the needle barely moves. Maybe 1 needles width. It will go down the same amount from only a few hard pulls, so how I drive it makes a HUGE difference. It's been going about 400 miles on a tank so far, but driving normally it made it over 300 miles on the first half of this last tank. Of course I made some adjustments after that and had to do some more testing, which probably completely killed the MPG for this tank now too! :roost:

Here's my Fuelly profile if you want to follow.

I try to only be affected by those I admire. The following sums up my philosophy well:

Theodore Roosevelt said:
It is not the critic who counts, nor the man who points out how the strong man stumbled, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena; whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs and comes short again and again; who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, and spends himself in a worthy cause; Who, at the best, knows in the end the triumph of high achievement; and who, at the worst, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat.


New member
I think I may be qualified to comment. Nicely installed and looks like a fun little engine! Really good fuel economy as well. I'd take that little Kubota over a 4BT any day. My only technical question/comment would be that the tachometer looks like it's not reading accurately. What are you using to drive the gas tach?

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