Honestly, the thought of vandalism hadn't crossed my mind. Possible, I guess. I surely hope not. There was a fair share of washboard road on the trip. South Canol Road, Dempster Highway, Top of the World Highway, Dalton Highway, OR/CA/NV backroads, Ouray FJ Summit. All in all, perhaps 2,000 miles on dirt give or take. My thoughts lead towards that the simple fact that I should have been more diligent in my maintenance. I should have checked the lug nuts at least once in a 10K trip full of off road travel. It's a line item on my travel maintenance now, I can assure you of that.
Your rear axle issues sound a little like Spressomons over on MUD. He kept blowing rear axle seals When his truck started weighing 8000lbs. It turned out to be the rear diff breather line. The washboard roads were creating a lot of pressure build up in the rear axle. He re tapped the breather line with a larger ID hose and that solved the problem. Might be worth looking into on your 4runner.