Green Country Oklahoma Adventure Tour
Part Two of Two
This picture shows a hint of dust being kicked up on the trail although at other times when the air is still and the sun is low, a dusty trail can have such low visibility it forces us to spread out very far. It's for this reason I installed a
Sy-Klone engine pre-cleaner on my AEV Snorkel.
During my travels I always enjoy jumping off the trail to explore interesting places nearby - this time we landed in Tahlequah, Oklahoma, which has been the capital of the Cherokee Nation since 1839. We enjoyed a lunch and then spent a few hours touring the
Cherokee National History Museum which was very interesting. I am a big supporter of preserving and protecting history. Others, not so much...
“Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right." ~ George Orwell, 1984
This is the Fort Gibson Dam on the Neosho (Osage Indian for "clear water") River where we slept one night. Since virtually ever night of the year I am sleeping somewhere I have never visited, I have become pretty good at finding places. In this case, whenever I see a river or lake I immediately begin searching maps for boat launches, overlooks, a dam, campground, etc. Once I locate several potential spots I begin to filter depending upon what my plans are. If I have been in the wild for a week I focus on finding places that have a flush toilet which means there is a high probability they also have potable water available. If they mention electric then there is a good chance they will also have warm showers.
There was some confusion this night although everything worked out well. I had located this site just off of the trail and reviewed the information on the
RECREATION.GOV site which stated
"The campground is open for day use and free primitive camping." Soon after arriving and setting up the volunteer campground manager came over and informed us that camping was not permitted for a multitude of reasons but we were welcome to sleep overnight in the parking lot at the entrance to the campground. It was late, cold, we were all hungry, and tired after several days on the trail. We thanked the volunteer, crawled over to the parking lot, ate, and fell asleep listening to the roar of the dam just outside our windows. It was beautiful, and free.
This is the unfinished church at
Our Lady of Clear Creek Abbey which is home to fifty-five Benedictine monks who live a Consecrated life of chastity, poverty, and obedience. The traditional motto of the Benedictines is,
Ora et Labora (Pray and Work), the monks come to the church seven times each day and once at night to praise God in liturgical prayer.
My good friend, I am going to ask a favor of you and I hope and pray you consider my request and within the next few days or weeks, experience something that is beyond your wildest dreams. Please understand that I am not trying to convert anyone over to a Traditional Catholic life, or begin a debate regarding this religion versus that - my goal is for you to experience something that 99.997% of people are unaware of.
I am asking you to attend a Traditional High Latin Mass so you will know what it feels like to hear the nearly continuous singing of prayer and Gregorian chant, the chant of the Priest and congregation in Latin, the smell of the incense, and the supernatural feeling of being in the presence of God. The
"Mass is one continuous action, reproducing in a mysterious way the Life, Passion and Death of ************************." What I am attempting to explain is that time will disappear and you yourself will be present during these historic events which we believe took place two millennia ago. On the altar, every single movement that takes place, and word spoken, has a deep traditional meaning and significance. Everything means something.
This is my gift to you my friend -
click on this link to find a High Mass (not a Low one), and don't worry about any details. Dress well, men can wear a tie if they wish, ladies can wear a modest dress with a veil. Just show up a mimic what others are doing; sit, kneel, bow, and stand as everyone else does. One key note: during the Consecration itself, the priest quietly prays the words of Consecration, in which the bread and wine are transubstantiated into the Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of Christ. Unless you are Catholic, in a state of Grace, and have fasted prior to Communion, you may not approach the altar, kneel, open your mouth, and receive Holy Communion. You can remain in your pew, and observe others. Trust me, if you have never attended a Traditional High Latin Mass, you will walk away speechless...
Crossing the Spavinaw Creek bridge on a frosty Oklahoma morning. The water level was a bit low during all of our crossing but that was fine with us!
The weather became brutally cold for a few days so one of the nights we decided to take advantage of the Applegate Cove Campground on the shore Robert Kerr Lake. Our cost was $15 per night so once again I was able to plug into shore power and enjoy heat from my
temporary electric heater. This is us posing for a group photo the next morning after taking long warm showers.
A good trail will take you into places that require you to stop and think twice before continuing. We were on a maintained farm road with Paul leading when he stopped in the middle of the road and jumped on the radio stating he was not sure where to go. The area he was turning into was overgrown and seldom used, after a moment we could see some indication of a trail a bit in front of us so we continued.
One of the primary rules I have on the trail is to constantly monitor my fuel state along with various other temperatures and pressures. I always begin a trail with a full tank of gas and once I drop below one-half tank, I begin to keep an eye out for a station nearby to refuel. Once I drop to one-quarter tank my mission immediately shifts to locating fuel. We were all just under one-half tank of fuel and we noticed Miami, just a few minutes off the trail, and it was time for lunch anyway. We topped off our tanks and enjoy really good burgers at
Otter-Cove Diner, alongside historic Route 66.
Near the end of the trail it became very dusty and slow so I opted to shift from tail-gunner to lead. My 6.4L Hemi was happy as the pace picked up on the home stretch - I was just on the ragged edge of communication with Dennis and Paul when out of the corner of my eye, I caught this beautiful sight. Immediately the following words came to mind...
And I saw Heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and He that sat upon him was called Faithful and True, and with justice doth He judge and fight. ~ Revelations 19:11
Yet another beautiful adventure came to a close with another 500+ miles of roads and trails taking us on an amazing tour of Green Country in Oklahoma. We have another week together before everyone goes their separate ways so we must talk about where to head next. Maybe we will cross the border and
disappear into the Ozark Mountains once again, maybe not...