We enjoyed the trip! Now back to WORK!
I took the truck out for a test run on Monday before we left. I found that the factory track bar and the Buck Stop track bar relocation bracket made the front axle favor the drivers side. I knew it would due to the fact the BS bracket is made for a larger lift than I am running. Not bad, except for the fact the factory welded the bump stop bracket a little outboard of the frame towards my passenger air bag. The drivers side bump stop bracket is welded directly under the frame. I could have just ground 3/16" off the passenger side bump stop bracket....BUT
@RAM 5500 CAMPERTHING, for letting me know that Suspension Maxx made an adjustable track bar for our RAM 5500. I ordered one a few weeks ago and it arrived the week before the trip.....SO...I dug into the truck the day before we left. Installed the adjustable track bar, a few test runs and adjustments to make it perfect, recenter the steering wheel, and DONE!
FYI...The Suspension Maxx track bar is a TIGHT fit into the factory track bar bracket. Like rubber mallet tight. Almost machined a few thousandths off the track bar. See below. A call to Suspension Maxx to let them know might be needed. An Instagrammer reached out to my wife and had the same issue.
There have been MANY conversations on the inter web about speedometer correction for the 2022 model year. Kevin was kind enough to ship me his Hypertech computer to try. It works for the 2020 model, figured what the heck. Well it does not work. It recognizes the truck but you can not get into the trucks computer with it. The underside of the 2022 dash looks COMPLETELY different than the 2020 in the videos. A few RAM forums mention NAV auto correct after 100 miles on the 2500, 3500. I can say after 1000 miles it does not work either. I called Hypertech and they do not have a test truck for the 2022 and do not have a fix either. There is a small town RAM 5500 dealer close, so a call to them in the next few weeks. It can be done, just need the "keys" to the computer
The truck does not like the low tire pressures on the MPT tires. I ran 50 PSI all around on the trip out and 45 in the front on the way home. You get a service the TPMS alert on the dash screen at every start up. NO ding or alert light. I will get the dealer to lower the values there if I can. I figure when the truck is finished, according to the MPT PSI weight chart I found, I will be around 60 PSI rear and 45 PSI on the front.
Started on the bathroom walls and plumbing and BOXES. I happen to know a computer guru, and great fabricator, who works at a large multi location fabrication shop.
https://www.ranews.com I gave him a few drawings and specs and they are making up the boxes. We ordered stainless steel latches from McMaster Carr and hopefully in a few weeks we will have 4 cargo boxes. The drivers rear will be used to hide/house the shower grey tank, insulated and a heat pad just in case. There will enough room left in that box for all the water and drain hoses. Small passenger rear will be recovery gear.
The two larger side boxes will follow the body lines and have an angle to make a wheel well.
YES.....Kevin I copied your 2 saddle boxes! I can not wait to get them on the truck because your truck with the boxes looks GREAT!
In a fellow RAM5500 owners driveway in SC on the way to the EXPO. Nice couple and beautiful place.
Time for the rubber mallet and a drift. Adjusted it to almost there and gave it a nudge
I think we stand out! We gave a bunch of happy hour tours and there were a LOT of photos of our rig.
Not many like us there but it was a well attended and good EXPO.
VHB for spacing and then Korpop glue used on the bathroom panels.
3 down one to go. Will build the door wall next and get the bathroom sealed up. All the holes are drilled for the plumbing and the shower head. I want a fridge and a shower next time out
STOKED! Recovery gear box. Will be mounted rear of the steps.
One of the side saddle boxes. The drivers rear will look very similar but the back of the box will be screwed on instead of welded on to install the grey tank and plumb the shower drain inside the box.
Both rear boxes have a departure angle. Like in the small box picture.