I have two of the 2K Yamahas. Did a lot of research a couple years ago and decided they were the best technology and best value. Biggest advantage is the fuel gauge, and the ability to run the carb dry without emptying the tank. I'm just going to stop using gas with ethanol in it because it causes too many problems, but straight gas is pretty expensive so can run regular pump gas for emergencies or when using for prolonged periods. I found both of mine on CraigsList, one as new and the other new in sealed box for a lot less than street price. If you want to do a propane or natural gas conversion, there seem to be more kits available for the Honda, and more used Hondas on the market. In terms of actual use, I wanted a gen that would let me run a 10" miter saw and 10" portable table saw in the boonies, and a single Yamaha delivers on that. The Yamaha was about the quietest out there and is pretty economical with gas. The new Ryobi stuff is pretty good, and I have seen their 2K on sale at Home Depot for as low as $450, so that's an option. No experience with Generac.