2nd Generation Tundra Building

SC T100

Cooling fin mania! I've noticed Aisin designing more cooling fins into some of their products in recent years. The 6 speed 2WD Taco tranny I swapped into my cruiser has a good sized grouping of fins on the bottom, too. I suppose with higher output more cooling is required.... I am considering adding an external cooler to the case, as 500 hp can create allot of heat while towing.

The main TRD package is pretty much springs, Bilstein shocks, and wheels/tires. Nothing special that can't be improved upon with some good aftermarket stuff. You'll like the suspension lift I am developing, only problem with it is cost.... maybe I'll post a sneak peak in a few days.

The first gen is not nearly as beefy as the 2nd, but they have proven to be a very durable trucks.

I just came across this thread. Very nice, to say the least. One question though, and maybe I missed this but, is the LC AWD case capable of handling 500HP/550lb-ft? I see the LC has up to 479lb-ft stock with a diesel, but just wondering none the less.


Well-known member
How did I miss this thread before? :cool:

What did you do with your antenna on the snorkel install? I need to wrap that detail up for a local customer. Thinking of a later model Tacoma mast setup similar to that used on 100 installs. Alternatively you could delete the antenna in favor of more modern technology :D

So whats the scoop on the rear bumper? I see an ARB rear bar shell, swing and cover. Plans to incorporate their lights? Looks like you moved the 2" reciever up as well?

I have an older style (color and latches changed) LHS mount jerry can holder swing that I would love to get rid of. It could easily be modified and re-coated to match the latest ARB offerings but for the dollar amount its just not worth it however for you it might work perfect?

Great truck, excited to see more!


The case is rated for the torque the supercharged 5.7 can put out ... no issues or worries. Good question, though.

I've been busy, so not too much in the way of offroad that is worthy of picture taking.... I'll get some shots soon.

The antenna is horizontal inside the fender, it works ok there. Definetly need to upgrade it.... what does the Taco use??

The bumper needs to be completed. It started life as a 200 series Land Cruiser unit. It required allot more work to fit up than I signed up for, but we got it done. The hitch is a custom high clearance piece I fabbed up. The stock Tundra receiver was mega low, it had to go. I have the blank for the left side of the bumper, and the lights, too. I am an ARB dealer, but if you have something for a good deal, I might be interested.

The 10.5" ARB Locker is about to be released... pictures of that in the next week or so.


That's one awesome tundra!!!

I almost want to get rid of both my current toys and go back in debt for a new one, almost.

Maybe I should just swap in the 5.7 (supercharged of course) to my FJ80 and that might make me happy......


Well-known member
...I am an ARB dealer, but if you have something for a good deal, I might be interested...

Cover shipping and its yours! It might be missing a bit of the hardware that was robbed for other projects. This was a mis-marked box that ARB sent out, shortly after they altered the design slightly (color and latch mounting) so it didn't work out with any future bumpers we were doing and they didn't want it back. Given the fact your going a different direction with both the color and latch it might be a the perfect fit.

...The 10.5" ARB Locker is about to be released... pictures of that in the next week or so.

Very cool, been waiting for those to make it to the US.

The Tacoma antenna is a simple steel whip, I'm thinking it would be a close fit to the profile of the fender albeit drivers side versus passenger side... I'll let you know what we end up using.
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The 10.5" ARB Locker is about to be released... pictures of that in the next week or so.

Very cool. Makes me wonder if we'll see 10.5" rearend swaps into some Tacos in the future. Probably would be too expensive for the next few years though.
Very cool. Makes me wonder if we'll see 10.5" rearend swaps into some Tacos in the future. Probably would be too expensive for the next few years though.

That would be great, but it would still leave you with a weaksauce front end. There are way too many other rears out there on the market, and the cost would be way too high. I'd do a SAS way before I'd swap out the rear. The CV shafts will start blowing well before the rear shafts if you start trying to turn anything big enough to make it worth a new rear.


Just so happens i recently heard a distant murmur from an excellent aftermarket axle builder in CA that they may be starting to offer housing options for the 10.5 in near future. Ruffstuff. But that was as loose as a discussion gets and hes got other pans in the fire right now.
Potentially exciting though.

Front end upgrades- RCV HD CV's and an ARB
Ruffstuff makes some awesome products- absolutely bulletproof. They're pretty big in the Jeep world. Stuff like 3/8" diff covers for under $125. Not sure what they've got for Toyota, I'll have to go take a look-

Lots of swap kits, crawler type stuff. Very HD.


Likes to Drive and Ride
x2, Almost! :sombrero:

Really like this truck and the new Tundras, at least 'on paper'. I have to drive one for fear of...

That's one awesome tundra!!!

I almost want to get rid of both my current toys and go back in debt for a new one, almost.

Maybe I should just swap in the 5.7 (supercharged of course) to my FJ80 and that might make me happy......

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