While I was at it, I finally added welds 360* around the recovery points (clevis points)
I took my time, was running low on gas, but managed to get it done. Clevis edges will be rounded out, buzzing the edges with a die grinder and refined with a Dremel.
With gas running low, I figured I could still get away with welding in the gussets for the frame mounts.
Long semi supported steel tends to bend with heat from welds. To prevent skewing the distance between the two mounting brackets from heat, I used my Hi-Lift jack to slightly spread the brackets supporting the original spec. I welded one side first, then flipped the jack to the other side and welded the gusset.
By spreading the brackets by 1/4 '' more than spec. I can assure the brackets will still line up with the truck frame.
If the spec. is a tad wider that's fine, if it's narrow because of heat warping, that's bad.
So I decided to play it safe. I let the welds cool down to the touch before I removed the jack. In the end the distance between the brackets was increased by 1/8'', total, so I know the spec is still good.
The gussets welded in place....
With shielding gas and sun light running low, I wasn't able to weld the step plate and gusset in place. Instead I brought the bumper back in the shop and took some pics of the receiver lock, step plate and gusset in place to give you a idea of how it will be pieced together....
It's suppose to rain for the next three days, I'm hoping there will be a nice day next week and hopefully finish the main part of the bumper.
Well, I thought last week, all I needed was one more day of work....
Ya right!
O.K..... Now, all I need is one more day of work.... I think.... LOL.