Lately, winter has finally hit, the weather is cold and miserable.
Today started out as a nice day, cold but nice, so I thought I'd weld the step plate and gusset in place. Unfortunately, I didn't get much done, out of nowhere it started snowing like crazy, ended up packing everything up again and called a day.
I did a little more grinding, fine tuning the fit for the step plate. I managed to get a nice tight fit. The pics below don't really show the fit, It's hard to tell. I thought I'd post them, for for the sake of posting them.
The next step was to weld-in the gusset, to tie the hitch box receiver, to the step plate. First step was to tack weld the gusset into position, check to make sure the gusset surface is level to the bottom surface of the step plate, then weld the length of the seam. Every once and a while the wind would pick up making it hard to weld.
I stopped and took the picture while the wind did it's thing.
After welding the length of the gusset, I had to grind the weld down to maintain the level, flush, surface. I use a Shop Vac to vacuum the weld slag and grinder dust from the inside, box sections. I added some blue industrial lithium grease to catch the weld slag, as mentioned in a previous post.
With the step plate in position and clamped, so the plate doesn't shift, I secured it with some tack welds.
I started welding the back seam, for the end caps, when it started snowing like crazy. I had to pack it in for the day. It was a tough day for controlling welds, the breeze that kicks up was a total pain.
Here's the welds for the back of the end caps.....