Sorry for the delay in finishing this trip, oh how it gets in the way
So we were coming down the mountain Sunday morning heading into Bisbee, checking out the "I can design stranger house than you" development and I realized how lucky I am to have quality people to help me build my rig and then hit the trail with. Our families get along, our values run close enough to keep the campfire chatter entertaining and we can razz each other without anyone getting their panties in a twist
Oh and Nick has a pretty cool rig also
Mule Pass used the be the route into Bisbee and the poor mules had a serious grade to overcome bringing mine ore to the smelter. This structure was a bit left over from the old old.
And lest anyone think I went to all the trouble of making my burb pretty and then became scared of playing the first desert pinstripping.
We did some walking around Bisbee, very cool variety of architecture as the money flowed into town. And we found the one restaurant open on a Sunday morning. The Savory Spot is some good eating if you find yourself hungry.
Of course a couple of guys like Nick & I can't stroll through a little town without catching the scent of rigs for sale....this one had a pretty creative sign in the window...
Onward in our walking travels we came across something the town map called "Iron Man" which is odd considering he is copper and dedicated to those "virile" copper workers.....ummm virile, I guess playing in the dirty dark and then hitting the town on payday would make me virile also
I know I mentioned some cool architecture in town, one of the ones that really stuck me was the courthouse. This thing was full of some really need elements.
Walking through these doors would never become routine for me....these carry some nifty symbolism and sytle.
Lamppost that caught my eye when it caught the sunlight....
The "Merchants & Miners Bank" also had some neat details....if this building ever gets torn down I want this for my home mailbox
Oh and the antique store that currently resides in the bank still has the small vault on the other side of this, and 2 older vaults also.