well been thinking about the stumble and popping all day, back to trouble shooting the engine.
ok so started playing with the timimg and was at 15.3 advanced, hook up vaccum and jumps to 23.5 or so. idled it down to 850. check a/f ratio and it is pegged over 18 which says too lean at idle. pull out the tool and turn out the a/f screws and it bounces around 15-16.5 and vacuum is sitting at a steady 14??
now gets weird, if I rev it up the vacuum goes up to 20 or more, thinking I need to plug it into a different location like on the manifold, but will get to that later. Still sounds like a miss too will not hold a smooth steady rpm at all, so got out the IR temp gage and start checking the exhaust and find a variance in temps. 1,3, and 7 were at 350-400 5 was at 260, 2 and 4 wer 450, 6 was 300 8 was 230.
I may have some bad plug wires so need to get new ones and want 45 degree boots anyway, so guess I will start with that. I deff got to get rid of the miss before anything and get my vacuum feed sorted out.
like I said it runs fine cruising at 2000 RPM, vacuum at 17, A/F sits at 13.5, and smooth as silk, until you mash it hard it stumbles and pops but if you ease into no problem. and idle is not good either. Oh I did put different springs in my mechanical advance but dont remember which ones so prolln need to try and find stock springs and put it back and go from there. Seems ported vacuum should be really low at idle and not change the timing much when I hook up the advance to it but it does. Need to mess with it more but seems I have a long way to go and several small issues combining to cause a problem.
any sugestions or insight?