Spare Fuel
My wife has all but denied getting in the SHTFV with me for a road trip again until I set the vehicle up to carry some spare fuel. For some insight as to why she feels this way, please read this thread:
I have been keeping my eyes peeled for some scepter cans, as the cans available in California with this CARB filler just plain suck. I also like the idea of the vented plastic cans versus the metal cans. Not that there is a good reason or excuse for that, but I just like them. I finally found some for sale on this forum and pulled the trigger. I was pleased to see that these cans had never held fuel before, especially because they had yellow straps, indicating they were meant for diesel. Here are a few shots for ya:
I paid $75 each shipped to my door!
I decided to mount 2 of them on the swing out tire carrier. First things first, I measured out the dimensions of the can, and decided to mount them long ways just left of the tire when facing the back of the vehicle. I also decided to use some .090 aluminum to build a tray or a box to hold them, then mount that box to a frame to try to keep the weight down. I layed out the dimensions and fired up the plazma to rough cut the shape
Once the shape was cut, I decided to file the edges and clean it up before the bending process for ease. I then loaded it in the sheet metal brake and bent it up in the desired shape
I have to be careful what order I add the bends as to not find myself unable to complete the next step
Once the shorter brakes were done I had to do the main sides
And here is the basic shap I had in mind. I just had to fine tune each angle to 90 degrees as I went
And a quick test fit with the cans...
Next i busted out the TIG welder and welded up the seems
Not the best welds, but they will work. I am a little rusty in the aluminum welding department
My next step was to mock up the tray on the carrier, so I clamped it in place
Then I welded a single tab to the carrier so I could bolt the tray in place
I wanted to preload the angle of the cans slightly, so I decided to change the angle on the back cut of the can box. So, back to the plazma for mods!
The next step was the slotted holes to strap the tanks down, some simple eyeball measurements, and I was in business!
Back to the plazma once more to finalize the slots
The slots seemed to clean up ok, and should work fine, I hope
a little test fit with the strap
Next time, mounting the fuel can box!