98 Jeep ZJ "SHTFV"


That's awesome. I noticed that you were wearing what appeared to be a HUD. Are you able to see the feed in real time? Do you have any plans for stabilization?

Thank you! Yes, I am wearing goggles watching the video stream and flying from the perspective of the machine. I wish I could see that far away but welding has pretty well toasted my eyes. As far as stabilization is concerned I need to mess with the PID settings to get it right now that I have the vehicle fully loaded. I may go to larger motors as they are loaded pretty hard with all the weight, this has to be done before I tune or it will be a waste of time. Every slight change you make requires a completely new tune. Less wind would help tremendously as well! It is really cool to go explore and fly around and see stuff. I am looking forward to working the bugs out!


Just wanted to say, from one ZJ owner to another, that I really dig your build. I have been neglecting mine lately but am taking notes for when I can get back to working on her.

Is there any way you'd be willing to share the cut plans (or at least the measurements) for that rear box? I use Pelican cases for my gear as well and really like your horizontal/drawer combo rather than my vertical system.


I'm sorry I haven't been keeping up with your thread. I just threw out perfectly usable microswitch (and the rest of the handle assembly). My tailgate had been sticking and I ended up yanking a bit too hard on the plastic handle, busting it. I quick trip to the junk yard and $15 later I was back in buisness.


Got any pictures of it that you're willing to let us see?

I do! I am uploading a new group of photos now, I will post some equipment photos up soon.

Just wanted to say, from one ZJ owner to another, that I really dig your build. I have been neglecting mine lately but am taking notes for when I can get back to working on her.

Is there any way you'd be willing to share the cut plans (or at least the measurements) for that rear box? I use Pelican cases for my gear as well and really like your horizontal/drawer combo rather than my vertical system.

I will try to get some numbers together for you. Ideally, I would have plans available on-line for the system. I'll ask my cabinet guy if he can get me a pdf or something. Thanks for the compliments!

I'm sorry I haven't been keeping up with your thread. I just threw out perfectly usable microswitch (and the rest of the handle assembly). My tailgate had been sticking and I ended up yanking a bit too hard on the plastic handle, busting it. I quick trip to the junk yard and $15 later I was back in buisness.

hahaha no worries! I made it a personal mission to sort it out, and not pay crazy money to fix it :)


Next stage of the SHTFV build

Hello all, I would like to first express my appreciation to all of you for coming in and checking out my thread, It has been really fun to add the on-line element to the build process and interact with fellow EXPO members. That said, I feel like I need to be adding stuff all the time and get frustrated when my wallet can't keep up with my ambition. I have been working really hard lately to secure the components for the next stage of the build process. I will focus on some aux. lighting, communications, air, water and all things electrical. I have finally secured a plethora of new equipment, and will be doing the best I can to keep this thread up to date with the work I am doing. As usual I will be fabricating a lot of what needs to be done, so it will be slower than I would like. Here are a few of the brands that I have decided to depend on:

s-POD http://www.4x4spod.com/
Rigid Industries http://www.rigidindustries.com/Default.asp
Viair http://www.viaircorp.com/viair.html
Yaesu http://www.yaesu.com/

I am currently taking Ham radio classes to get my license, so it will be a few days before I get started :)


Got any pictures of it that you're willing to let us see?

Here is my basic set-up for flying fpv

The quad-copter and radio


The video receiver antenna system


This is the most incredible experience to have. There is nothing like flying around and seeing life from a new perspective!


I passed my Ham test tonight, I am a very happy guy :) Man, I haven't had to take a test in close to 20 years I bet LOL

SP Jon M3

Very nice job on the bumpers! And congrats on the test! Keep an eye on the FCC ULS website for your call sign. As soon as it shows up there you are allowed to transmit.

When do you plan to have the yaesu mounted?

Oh.. And nudge Rad1 to get his ham license... :snorkel:


Very nice job on the bumpers! And congrats on the test! Keep an eye on the FCC ULS website for your call sign. As soon as it shows up there you are allowed to transmit.

When do you plan to have the yaesu mounted?

Oh.. And nudge Rad1 to get his ham license... :snorkel:

Thanks Jon! I will be keeping an eye for sure. I am told it will likely be next Thursday before it shows up. I am going to work a little this weekend to make an extended dash to hold all of the radios/gps/switches/gauges. It will likely take me a bit to get it built though. I have been nudging Rad1 to do ALOT to his rig. He is lagging at the moment. We have a full set of 3rd members with gears and lockers ready to install, as well a new rear end housing for his 80, so ya.... he is seriously lagging!!!!!


time for "The Source"

Hi all, I have been very busy with work as of late, and also been saving my pennies for the next round of upgrades! We recently took a 2 day trip up to Big Bear for some "Yellow Post" camping. When we were up there we dropped by All J's Jeep shop as we heard they were having an open house. Upon arrival I found myself gravitating over toward the S-POD display. I have been trying to work out in my head how to do a proper wiring job for the components I have now and those I plan to install down the road, and the S-POD kept coming up. Since we were here, and since they had a display set up I decided to talk to them and see if this would be right for us.


I met John and Cinde, the owners of S-POD. We immediately began discussing my vehicle and the plans I had for some accessories down the road, and they were extremely helpful in answering some questions about their product. John even grabbed an S-POD unit and headed out to the parking area with me to discuss the specific application I had in mind. They make direct bolt in applications for Jeep TJ, JK, LJ and Toyota Tacoma and FJ Cruiser. They do not have a specific application for the ZJ, but I was willing to make some parts to make it work.


After a lengthy chat with John, I knew this was the direction I wanted to go. First and foremost I am interested in quality products, as I have gone down the cheap route in the past, and it always ends the same way, me replacing components over and over again, and usually experiencing failure when I need them most. When it comes to wiring, I am far from an expert and really needed a turn key solution for my planned upgrades. My ZJ has some wiring gremlins as it is, so I wanted a stand alone system for the accessories. I learned that newer vehicles (Yes even my crusty old ZJ) have very tempermental wiring systems. This first became appearant when I wired up the trailer wiring for when I tow. The wiring system actually measures resistance(or something, I said I wasn't a wiring expert) and it is now constantly telling me I have tail light failure on the warning display, when they work just fine! This basically means that the days of just tapping any old wire and robbing voltage, no matter how insignificant it is, is no longer possible, or safe for that matter. Overloaded wiring = bad stuff, even that "Fire" word no one likes to think about. Needless to say I was set on something safe and proper for the family traveling rig :)

I promptly placed my order for one of these S-POD systems and was extremely excited to get it up and running.

The S-POD unit consists of a few components, the source being the brains of the operation



The Source is where all the magic happens. This is a custom made circuit board featuring relays and fuses for a total of 6 circuits. This allows you the luxury of simply attaching the positive and negative wires for any features you wish to install to "The Source" and then just push the switch for carefree operation. The Source is simply attached directly to the battery with a single positive and negative wire.


The Source consists of 6 circuits, 3 at 15 amps, and 3 at 30 amps


The quality of construction here is over the top, and well worth the coins they request to obtain one


The wires themselves go through a process to protect them, that I still don't understand fully, but I am told this is a full military spec process


Once the Source is in place, you will simply attach one wire harness


To one switch panel (mine is a raw universal version with one extra switch)


and you are ready to go. There is only one small wiring harness that needs to enter the vehicle cabin to operate all 6 features! The bank of switches comes prewired and ready for action!



Talk about simplicity, I don't even think I can screw this up :) "Knocks on wood"
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Thanks for the s pod write up. Far from my area of expertise but now can see why to use this if adding electrical. Did not grasp it before.



I think I need a bigger truck!
That setup looks very nice indeed. I built my own setup very much like that, minus the circut board but similar. That looks very well made indeed.



I'm loving your zj! Glad to see it coming together. Its awesome of the guys at spod to be willing to work w us zj owners to make something that works for us. You have me convinced to get the same set up for mine. Let me know what the initial cost is. Thanks.

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