S-POD mounting
In my last post I tried to show you some decent shots of the sPOD unit. I spent a lot of time debating on where to mount the components and finally decided on the spot. I have been having problems with my cruise control, and frankly never used it anyway so I decided to yank it out and mount the sPOD source there.
I mocked it up and it appeared as though it would fit there nicely
The first thing I did was do some research as to what issues if any would arise by removing the cruise control servo. The only issue I found was if I did not plug the vaccum line off, so I began tearing it out
Once I had the unit out on the ground
I had to deal with the vaccum line
This is kind of cheesy, but it is what I had laying around and it seemed to get the job done. I screwed in a 3mm bolt to plug off the line
Now that this was handled I could then start figuring out how to mount the sPOD source
The first thing I did was remove the source from its mounting bracket. I wanted to re-use most of the bracket, but would likely have to trim it to fit the way I wanted it to.
I decided to keep most of the bracket, and just trim off the ears
The result was a basic 90 degree bracket in which to mount my own ZJ specific bracket to
I slid the bracket in place and began planning how to solid mount it under the hood
I decided to use the OG mounting location for the servo as well as the threaded hole that the overflow bottle bolts into, I bent some .125 cold roll X 1.5" and bent it 90 degrees to get started
The next step was to add a second mounting hole on a different angle
For ease I made them individual pieces and decided to weld them together, this keeps down on the math and up on the speedy fabrication
The result should be more than strong enough to support the sPOD source
I simply mounted the new bracket in place and slid the OG sPOD bracket up next to it and marked the holes to mount them together
A little bit of paint, and we are in business!
The mount seemed to fit perfectly!
With the Source mounted, I could finally start thinking about the goodies this system would power!
Truth be told, I screwed this up just a little when I did not take into consideration the latching mechanism that holds the lid in place. I am able to latch it, and un-latch it, but it takes a little paying attention to. Not the end of the world, but it still bugs me that I let one slip by me