AA1PR’s Yukon Long Term Build & Adventure Videos 56K


Disabled Explorer
Had a bunch of running around earlier this morning and felt my blood sugar dropping so I stepped at friendly's for a quick bite

The omelet wasn't all that bad but could have been better

Later tonight we ventured to Middlebury for pizza at green peppers

Afterwards I took the girls back road touring in Middlebury, we climbed a berm on a local back road, it felt as if I was pointing at the moon... I wasn't running the camera or otherwise the lights would have been off for these shots

We deiced to take the very long way home tonight; the sun and temps was prefect for exploring old dirt roads

Looking east towards the green mountains at dusk

One last shot of the fleeing sun

As I said we took dirt roads only back home, except the last 2 miles
So at an intersection in the middle of no where with no one around for miles I decided it was time…I finally got some shots of the rig with all the lights on
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New member
Hi there AA1PR, nice thread you have going here. I have a 2004 Suburban and am a fellow HAM operator (KF5VGJ), so this is fun to follow and has lots of great ideas. Keep up the good work!


Disabled Explorer
Hi there AA1PR, nice thread you have going here. I have a 2004 Suburban and am a fellow HAM operator (KF5VGJ), so this is fun to follow and has lots of great ideas. Keep up the good work!

Thanks, hope to hear you on the air
connect on up via my allstar node#42282 if you can or it has echolink connection too


Disabled Explorer
You know me out exploring & decided to stop for pics
Pics or it didn't happen right

Yesterday I helped Mike replace the U joint on the passengers side front axle

Thankfully the wheel bearing bolts came out easy, better than when we did mine

They were rust welded & required lots of heat & a big hammer

& put it all back together
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Disabled Explorer
replaced tail light & DRL bulbs today for state inspection, which we passed with flying colors

yesterday ( & today) we went swimming & I relaxed in my hammock off the back of the rig

surprisingly there were no bugs around

who needs a RTT when you have a hammock
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Disabled Explorer
been thinking of replacing the Hella 700FF's with an LED bar
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Expedition Leader
A) Is that arrow fletching on that antenna? Repurpose an aluminum arrow tube?


2) please caution your son about getting up under any part of a vehicle if it is only on a floor jack as that appears to be. Always jackstands, always. And I'll also usually position the removed wheel between frame and ground, too. I made a stupid mistake once while working on a front suspension and was lucky enough to get away with only a crushing laceration of my left hand and 17 stitches and a few severed nerves. It's made me cringe about such things ever since.


Disabled Explorer
A) Is that arrow fletching on that antenna? Repurpose an aluminum arrow tube?


2) please caution your son about getting up under any part of a vehicle if it is only on a floor jack as that appears to be. Always jackstands, always. And I'll also usually position the removed wheel between frame and ground, too. I made a stupid mistake once while working on a front suspension and was lucky enough to get away with only a crushing laceration of my left hand and 17 stitches and a few severed nerves. It's made me cringe about such things ever since.

Yes I found a broken carbon arrow out in woods & placed it over the antenna LOL

I agree, we had the rear wheel chocked & the Ebrake on..it was on car ramps


Disabled Explorer
today we had to run up to burlington for me to get some new reading glasses, on the way down we stopped by our favorite lk champlain access

the water was at least 10feet low, I've never seen it this low, ever

where the water used to abate homes its now 100' away, not sure if they're classified as beach homes now lol
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Disabled Explorer
participated with a few ham radio friends this weekend for the arrl sept vhf contest

& they decided to use my rig & its backdrop as our parting group photo
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Disabled Explorer
...tweaked the video again, I tried to add music in youtube & fouled it up so here is a new longer version with music
** WW1VT ARRL Sept 2016 VHF Contest Long Version **


Disabled Explorer
...almost all this summer I ran the 12.5' antenna

however now after hearing Steve K1GMM my ham radio friend running HF mobile I've got the bug

so back on goes the bugcatcher

AA1PR's HF Mobile Setup

AA1PR HF Mobile Bugcatcher Antenna (Installed)


Disabled Explorer
Coming back from Rutland today the colors were spectacular

all pics hijacked, sorry
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