Additional thoughts are: raise the dinette floor and store the spare horizontally in that space or store similarly but in the dog house. Either location requires a large side access hatch, which may or may not be a structural obstacle. Then there is the issue of manhandling that spare into and out of said storage. Perhaps a carrying rack that slides out then drops down is possible.
Of course in reality, most large spares are carried on the rear of the vehicle.
As I'm sure you know, searching this site for a rear bumper mount brings forth an impressive number of posts on this problem. (Demonstrating what a great resource this site is, thanks to all it's contributors.) Clearly more clever people than me have been working on this and frankly I'm reappraising my own bias against swing outs.
Here's one example.
See also posts 8 and 9 of that thread for other products.
Drool version here.
Lots to percolate …
Box installed at head of bed:
Shelf installed with hinge to fold up and access stuff underneath. Upverter moved to lower location:
Picture of Yaesu 7900 install:
Wilson cell phone booster with internal and external installed. Waiting to hard install the inside antenna, until I find the "feet spot":
Radiolabs WiFi repeater installed. Picks up Wifi from up to 3/4 mile away and rebroadcasts as a hotspot. Works pretty slick with the external antenna:
Hey Carl, how are ya?!
Sorry the tire hasn't worked out. And also that I'm unable to find ,at this time, that lost link. It was to a post from a guy on this board with a mint, bright red H1, from either Texas or Whistler (?) who had posted to a rear tire carrier thread. Anyhow he did a brilliant job fabricating something similar to the Ibis shown on youtube.
As to an assist, for ideas I'd look into the springs used for an overhead door or ones for a loading dock leveler. I'm bet your thinking if the tire were down when you're parked it would be less obtrusive than a swing out. Or maybe you would like to incorporate a rear platform.
I'm sure you have thought about this, but just to satisfy my curiosity, would the spare fit horizontally under the deck, aft of the fuel tank? Assuming the tow hitch was reworked and you cared not a fig about angle of departure.
Thanks Still have all the factory emissions crap on it as it's still under warranty. Can the DEF etc be completely pulled w/o screwing up the factory computer?[/QUOTE
I know of a 5500 that has the DEF tank assembly sitting on a shelf (along with the DPF and EGR) running code freeYou would be amazed at how much better the truck runs and the increase in fuel economy(and how much this junk weighs). It will also run nicely on any diesel now........ Of course, it's for off road, Mexico travel only :ylsmoke:
Here are the folks who can hook you up.
That looks sooo much better than having it on the front.
Oh, for some reason I thought that was going to swing down. Ok, so sans forklift, whats the drill for getting the wheel down or more importantly, back up? :snorkel:
Farm jack?, folding ramp?